Cold Eggs


9 Years
Jul 2, 2010
We tried hatching just a couple eggs as an experiment with a hen and everything worked out well. But we left the hen alone the last week and when the chicks hatced, we discovered that the hen had decided to sit on more eggs during the last week. Now that the chicks are up and about, the hen has abandoned those eggs. I candled them and saw that they are starting to have veins in them, but the eggs have gotten completely cold in more than one instant because the hen is tending to her chicks. Is it possible to put those eggs under another broody hen or are they a lost cause?
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Just depends, I know they can get cold and still hatch. If you have another broody I'd sure try it.
Look at it this way -- if you just throw them away, there is a 0% chance they'll hatch. Just keep on eye on them in case they are dead, so they don't turn into stink bombs.

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