Cold weather and chicks

Pit Bull Farm

In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 1, 2009
I have chicks that hatched 2 days ago and the forcast is calling for a 20 degree drop in temperature and the low will be in the 40's. I have a hen with the chicks but my question is should I put a heat lamp in with them even with the hen being there to warm them? Or will she take care of her babies? Thanks
As long as mom takes care of them....don't use extra heat...
Make sure MOM has them under her breast. If there are TOO many of them you will need to supplement the heat.

Chicks under her wings can be at risk in an extrem drop in temp.

Usually mama hen is a whole lot smarter than we mere humans when it comes to her babies.
She only has three chicks so I think we will be ok, they are only 4 days old so I got worried.
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The other replies here are spot on. IMO adding extra heat could throw off her instincts about gathering them under her. As long as she's readily letting them huddle beneath her when they get chilly or frightened, leave them be, she's got the perfect heat generator. They'll be healthier and stronger for it.

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