Colorado Shooting - How horrible!

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Many reports on the infant are confirming - 3 month old infant wasn't injured, only taken in to be checked. Baby was treated and released.
Mmmmadie13........nut cases and natural tragedies are not confined to Colorado. It just seems that Colorado has had more then it's share lately. As for taking the suspected shooter alive, I think that is a good thing as it gives us a chance to find out a lot more then we would be able to had he been killed. Notwithstanding, it is fairly obvious that he will not see the free light of day for the rest of his life.
I can understand why they pulled it. It's sad that one person can negatively affect so many people's lives. We are praying for the victims, their families and their friends, as well as the state of Colorado.
The regrettable thing is that after five mass killings in the U.S. in the last decade we have almost become used to this. The problem is that most of us have come to realize that there is little we can do to prevent a crazy person from committing mayhem. Please DO NOT interpret this as a political statement of any kind because it is not. I recognize and believe that actions like this are no ones fault except the crazy person who commits them. I figured this out quite a while ago and I have made a conscious decision to not be in crowded places whenever I can.

What is really problematic is the more we learn about this killer the more I come to realize that there would be no way that anybody could have predicted this type of action from someone who actually seemed pretty normal and led a pretty normal (in fact, exceptional) life. It is all a bit scary.
The way the cops are talking is that this boy started planning this about a month ago... This town just so happened to make national news about a month ago....

Could this or one of the others have been him? They said he may have targeted military an his house was set up to hurt cops....

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