
Cute turkeys and CUTE chickens!!!

On my cuteness front, it looks like Miss Abby the Welsh Harlequin duck is taking this brooding thing seriously. After a few days of being undecided about whether or not she really wants to stay on the nest it looks like she is staying put. To make her life easier, I put some moveable fencing around her little broody hut and gave her her own food and water. Now she wont have to worry about those pesky boys bugging her or the other girls kicking her out so they can lay more eggs. I am counting today as day 1. Well see what happens around the second week of May
Thanks for the welcome! We went to Murdoch's today in Westminster and they have bantams. I knew they would be small but I didn't know how darn cute they would be. Major cuteness!! My husband wasn't impressed and I really need to keep our number at three but it was very tempting. We also saw some ducks. I can definitely see how people can fall in love with ducklings.

Does anyone here have advice for selling chicken arks in Colorado? I think with the increased popularity that backyard chickens have that there is a market niche for portable coops. We personally don't want to build anything permanent so we're doing the Catawba a-frame for ourselves. I had a great time building a half-size version and was wondering if I should try and build a few more to help supplement our income. There are some coop builders offering coops and arks on Craig's List. I don't know if they are selling but they have some very nice items. I think there has to be people out there that only want two or three chickens and don't want the larger type of coops. Does anyone have feedback for me about this idea? Thanks!
Hello! Denver area here (Golden/Lakewood)

Just wondering..

Do any of you have any Polish? I heard they do not do well in this climate?

Do you know of anywhere locally that I could get a non-hatchery Polish chick? I'm looking for just one to add to my chicks (5 days old right now) Or even a few eggs? I have a batch going in the bator on the 15th.


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