
Thoughts and prayers out to you and yours
Well, I got my first eggs from the Crazy Egg Chain. Silkies... She sent 9 (3 extras) and all but 2 had detached air cells.
4 days in and it looks like only 1 is developing, poss another. I'm bummed because my son was kind of hoping to raise some for 4H. I also got 7 polish for him today and 5 look ok, only 2 detached this time.

So anyone here have any Silkie eggs to sell? Maybe even something else if you're close and my son thinks its cool

I notice I am having a more difficult time selling eggs this year. Last year we had that salmonella scare, so people seemed to want to buy load of eggs and now this year I get very few responses to my Craigslist posting. Is this pretty typical, or is this just a weird time? I hate to have a hundred eggs in the fridge!
KZ- I'm just curious but could you sell eggs at a farmer's market? Do they regulate that type of item or would it be feasible to take a few dozen and sell them there?
I have wondered that too. I think you can take them and sell them but maybe someone who actually does that will see this and answer. I am going to this nieghborhood pot luck tomorrow and several people there do the farmer's market. I will ask them.
I think tons more people are raising chickens themselves. I just raised my price for a carton to $3 because the price of feed skyrocketed. I have had some people say "I can get them at the grocery store for a buck!" I say go ahead and be my guest and buy them right up. If you want crap eggs that taste like crap then by all means buy them!!! I read or heard somewhere once that the eggs in grocery stores can be as much as 7 mos old by the time you get them. That sounds like a little too long. I would believe 7 weeks!

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