
Ryan!! Had friends that use to live in Parker. They are in sunny Florida now!
Hi Ryan. I get into Parker a couple of times a week. E-Mail if you'd like to talk. We have 12 adult chickens and 51 chicks plus 6 more coming friday, and possibly 46 of our eggs hatching tomorrow or the next day.

AND we have have 4 goats (with goat babies due any day now).

when it gets really windy, i actually do NOT let out my eggers to freerange because some of them are kinda small. my black australorps are heavy enough to hold there own. and we get huge wind gusts here on the ridge ... upwards 50/60 mph. i know you were kidding, but i'm actually not!

kimberly/imacountrygirl: sounds like we're neighbors. give me a holler too!

BYC people are the best.

p.s. many thanks to all who are giving extra healing thoughts to my family. my son's health is still tenuous, so we really appreciate it.

First, I hope your boy is ok! Tenuous health doesn't sound good so for now, I'll send you some good thoughts and karma!

Re the wind-- actually i wasn't kidding. LOL I mean sure I was a little but I have visions of buff-colored blurs bouncing in the wind across my property on some of our high wind days. I do not have a weather station here, though I'd like one, but I'm certain so far this Spring we've had winds like those you experience. The house rarely "moves" with the wind but there have been a few times this Spring that made me question whether or not the roof would stay on! It's new, so its under warranty, but I can't imagine what it would be like with the old shake shingle roof. Our neighbors have many more trees than I but Colorado has some of the fiercest winds I've ever experienced and more trees would be nice.

For those out East that come into town via Parker, I'm the "barn" house property on Hilltop, where Singing Hills comes to an end. And if you do drive that route, can you please tell people to keep it down? LOL I've lived here for a year now and I've witnessed 5 accidents... no telling how many happen without me knowing.

Thanks everyone for being so kind and welcoming. I really appreciate knowing I have some local people to help navigate our unique environment with my chickens.

No coop yet, either-- but it's almost done. I have a thread going and can be found here... Re-purposed material - a lesson in recycling.
we're having a chicken party in august (we get together to butcher our own chickens ... a way to learn). feel free to join us. i think to be legal, we all have to do our own (but someone correct me if i'm wrong).

Thanks! Good to know these events are coordinated. I don't mind doing it myself but I cannot do it here at the homestead-- visions of my wife weeping openly, holding my daughter as I butcher the chickens is NOT an option. LOL So I won't be in on the fun this year but is this a yearly thing? Where is it usually held?​
The chicken party isn't a BYC thing ... we've only had chickens since last year, and this year will be the first we've sent some to freezer camp so we just put out the invitation and hope people come.

We've only been here a year too and tried to plant trees but between the wind, the horrible neighbors with their ATVs and no respect for property lines, and the sand-called-soil, nothing much lived. Gonna try again soon.
Hey guys, do any of you that live up in the Brighton, Ft Lupton, Hudson, etc. area have any information or experience with the special needs programs in the schools? My son will be a "7th" grader next year and we will be moving up that way this summer sometime. I hate taking him out of his current school which is Fletcher-Miller in Lakewood and is only for our special needs kids PK-21 years of age. It's his home away from home. I'm having some real heart felt issues going on inside of me right now with this. So I'm trying to find out what may be an option up there or if I need to drive him down here everyday. I hate the thought of that but I would do it.

I'm also a new to having chickens and would be interested in finding someone as well. I'm pretty sure that the fine folks of Highlands Ranch (where I'm located) might frown on backyard chicken processing. Lol.


I'm also a new to having chickens and would be interested in finding someone as well. I'm pretty sure that the fine folks of Highlands Ranch (where I'm located) might frown on backyard chicken processing. Lol.


Hi Simply:

You're invited to the chicken party too! Saturday, August 13. More details when it gets closer. E-Mail me if you want to be put on my list to be contacted with details.
Still working on adding to my flock here in the springs. You'd think SOMEONE on craigslist would have started pullets, but yeesh. Each one i respond to is gone in a heartbeat. Oh well.

We are busy gettin the garden together and enjoying the more spring-ish weather!
I am thinking chickens that have quit laying and are past their prime would not be very tasty. Wouldn't it be tough and stringy meat?

We are most likely going to have some young roosters butchered early this summer. I am thinking of going to the processing place in Simla. Does anyone know anything about it? I tried emailing them but there was no answer. I don't know the first thing about taking a bird to a processing plant and was looking for some information.

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