
Hey kmatt
hi everyone! i'm new to chickens and fairly new to CO as well. I'm located in Loveland and on top of our growing flock i have 3 toddlers that like to "help" and a pit that is terrified of my chicks. :)

Sigh, Loveland, the first place I ever lived in CO and my favorite place so far. Wish I was still there. Loved the mountain access, the hiking trails, ice fishing in town in the winter. SIGH......miss it still even after 18 years.

OH, and
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kmatt, I am also in Loveland. With my own slew of kids. :)

4crazyeggs, we don't have a top on our run either. We've never had a problem (knock on wood!). But, we live in the city. We certainly see hawks but they've never come close to our house. We also have an ASD who watches out for the girls and keeps most the predators at bay. He does SUCH a good job that we've had a family of bunnies living under our deck for the whole 4 years we've lived here! It's funny to watch the bunnies and chickens chasing each other around the backyard!
kmatt, I am also in Loveland. With my own slew of kids. :)

4crazyeggs, we don't have a top on our run either. We've never had a problem (knock on wood!). But, we live in the city. We certainly see hawks but they've never come close to our house. We also have an ASD who watches out for the girls and keeps most the predators at bay. He does SUCH a good job that we've had a family of bunnies living under our deck for the whole 4 years we've lived here! It's funny to watch the bunnies and chickens chasing each other around the backyard!

have you had any problems with your neighbors and your chickens? I've been wondering how thats going to work out...
We have the coop and run right up against the fence with one of our neighbors and asked them before we got the chickens. They said they were fine with it as long as we didn't get a rooster! We promised no rooster and they are 100% fine with it! We've asked them more recently if the chickens were bugging them at all and they said they couldn't even tell we had them (their daughter named one of our chickens Turkey LOL)! I know the other neighbors have seen them but we haven't had a single complaint. I figure if they don't bother the neighbor they are closest to, they shouldn't bother anyone else either! We have one neighbor who complains very quickly about any noise (we were dog sitting once and the dog barked twice during the night, like 2 barks before I could get downstairs and let her in, and he was at my door my next morning!) and we haven't heard from him either!

The law here says that you can have as many chickens as you can care for so I take that to mean that as long as you are caring for them, the neighbor's can't complain (or at least they can't force you to get rid of them). Roosters are a different story because they are considered a noise problem. I think in the city you aren't supposed to have roosters. Of course, if you have an HOA they may have their own rules that you have to abide by. We do not have an HOA (it dissolved a few years ago) so we had nothing holding us back! Generally our chickens are nearly completely silent. They rarely even give out an egg song. And at night they don't even make a peep!
We have the coop and run right up against the fence with one of our neighbors and asked them before we got the chickens. They said they were fine with it as long as we didn't get a rooster! We promised no rooster and they are 100% fine with it! We've asked them more recently if the chickens were bugging them at all and they said they couldn't even tell we had them (their daughter named one of our chickens Turkey LOL)! I know the other neighbors have seen them but we haven't had a single complaint. I figure if they don't bother the neighbor they are closest to, they shouldn't bother anyone else either! We have one neighbor who complains very quickly about any noise (we were dog sitting once and the dog barked twice during the night, like 2 barks before I could get downstairs and let her in, and he was at my door my next morning!) and we haven't heard from him either!

The law here says that you can have as many chickens as you can care for so I take that to mean that as long as you are caring for them, the neighbor's can't complain (or at least they can't force you to get rid of them). Roosters are a different story because they are considered a noise problem. I think in the city you aren't supposed to have roosters. Of course, if you have an HOA they may have their own rules that you have to abide by. We do not have an HOA (it dissolved a few years ago) so we had nothing holding us back! Generally our chickens are nearly completely silent. They rarely even give out an egg song. And at night they don't even make a peep!
when i looked up the chicken ordinance for loveland it said as many chickens as you like as long as they don't become a nuisance.
I heard my first crow today! I was outside working in the garden, and it surprised the heck out of me. I made a big deal about it and my husband and kids looked at me like I was crazy, I guess the crowing had been going all morning. Too bad I was inside, I only heard one.

Today was also the first time since I started with chickens and geese that my mom got to meet my babies. She refused to come over while the meat birds were living with the girls, she didn't want to get attached. They've been seperated for a couple of weeks now, so I finally convinced her to come over. It really helped that I have week old geese now. She adored the geese.
We're in Lafayette. Looking to start our flock. Would like to purchase some chickens already laying. If you've got some extra layers please send me a PM. Would like 8-12 layers.

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