
Yes you hit the age exact :) These are sagitta chickens, they are super sweet and already have feathers on their head.

My boys have comb ridges, since 2 weeks old... it's hard to tell, but I don't see ridges here...

My girls had combs early on. I just know when someone usually spots a roo, their combs and wattles grow leaps and bounds faster than any pullet.

The Sagitta look a lot like my Red Star. And boy do they kick their growth into overdrive around that age. My babies will be 7 weeks old on Friday and they're so huge! They're so much fun, I love them!
Nine chicks total.

Out of 48. Not really great. But then again, these were shipped eggs, AND from sea level to 5700 feet.

Two started pipping and didn't make it out. That would have been 11.

Right now it looks like 6 pullets and 3 cockerels.

We put Abe in pen 3 with 4 hens. Two matings within 10 minutes......... in a few days we'll start checking the eggs for fertility.

Got a call last evening from a lady who had heard about ChickenFest "through the grapevine. She wanted to know what it was, etc. She will be there and is spreading the word.

Also, there is someone in the Midway area who is trying to get a farmers market going down my way. If anyone is interested, the phone number listed on the sign is: 719-332-4711
I need to find a new home for this little guy! He's a blue cochin bantam, almost 5 weeks old, and quite the sweetie. He's just been a bit much for my calmer birds and in order to get some sort of peace, he needs to go somewhere else. He loves his belly rubbed, and so far has one darker blue feather on one wing. Please PM me to let me know if you are interested!!!

Anyone interested in Silver Laced Wyandottess? I put in an order for 12 chicks with Ideal, and they shipped me 22!! The paperwork says they included the SLW's for warmth. Doesn't say what sex, but their website says they may ship extras males for warmth. We are in the city and can't have roos. I am in the Springs and am willing to meet in pueblo or Denver if needed! Obviously they are free as they were free to us! They are so dang cute!
Anyone interested in Silver Laced Wyandottess? I put in an order for 12 chicks with Ideal, and they shipped me 22!! The paperwork says they included the SLW's for warmth. Doesn't say what sex, but their website says they may ship extras males for warmth. We are in the city and can't have roos. I am in the Springs and am willing to meet in pueblo or Denver if needed! Obviously they are free as they were free to us! They are so dang cute!

I will take a couple off your hands...I've been looking for that breed! Let me know where to meet you; I am in the Springs area too :)
Also, has anyone ever heard of a 6 week old EE too start trying to crow at that age? I heard this very odd sound coming from the brooder box, and it was him....weirdest sound I've ever heard! :hmm

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