
Looking for female Polish Chicken chicks near Colorado Springs, CO. Any leads?

I don't but others possibly do.
So sorry to hear about the Urch order. If your broody has already proven herself you should be good. I've had big hens hatch a huge clutch of bantams eggs and had awesome sucess.
Thanks for answering. I think I can order some chicks from Ranch Way Feeds in Fort Collins. All the feed stores closer are done with chicks now. I'm not crazy about driving all the way to Fort Collins, but I really want some bantams and I have a coop for them all ready so I think I will do that.

Sorry about your bad hatch Wendell.
Minchi, talked to my friend who sold a house in Parker, he said the part of Parker that's in Elbert County, and especially Delbert Road he thinks, should be chicken friendly. He recommends a realtor named Jace Glick who works for Remax.
Hey, I'm at the point where I want to put 2 small skylights on the coop. Maybe 12"X12" or 24"X24". Anywhere in between. H.D. had some starting at $125 that looked too good for the Taj Mahal. All I want is some cheap plastic thingies I can just cut a hole in the roof and stick them in. Going online seems like a waste of time so far. Any ideas?
Hey, I'm at the point where I want to put 2 small skylights on the coop. Maybe 12"X12" or 24"X24". Anywhere in between. H.D. had some starting at $125 that looked too good for the Taj Mahal. All I want is some cheap plastic thingies I can just cut a hole in the roof and stick them in. Going online seems like a waste of time so far. Any ideas?

what about something like what is sometimes used to cover window wells?
1st... I have 2 bantam BL Cochin rooster I need to get rid of, ordinances and stuff.....
The boy are well behaved and very nice looking. I am seriously hating having to get rid of them!
On the bright side.. I have my planting box assembled and on top of the coop as planned!!! Plus I have a 5G auto fill waterer installed and the birds love it, so less maintenance on my part!!
Yes, and yes. Broodies can be very mean to flockmates, especially new ones, and removing her and letting them settle into a pecking order and then reintroducing her should change her status - except that if she is still broody she will still be testy. You might try putting her in a small area within the coop that is all her own until she is done being broody.

This ended up working pretty well. I left her in the garage for a few days to let the little ones get comfortable in the coop, then moved her to a confined space in the coop for a few more days. Yesterday I let them all out into the yard, including the mean one, and when they all came back in, things were mostly okay. She still chases the little ones away from the feeder, but nothing especially vicious! Thanks again for the advice.

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