
Does anyone like driving in Denver????
I don't mind driving in Denver. Then again, I lived there 11 years, and never planned on leaving...... then we had to for DH's job. Still getting used to rural living, and not being able to find whatever I want, whenever I want it. We drive to Denver at least once or twice a month, kept a couple of our doctors there (even though we've been down here for 5 years now, lol), and have family there.

But I am finally settling down and liking the quieter life, and the chickens have been a big part of that.
I'm finally done hatching Welsummers LF and Black mottled Cochin bantams for the year. My DH's comment, really are you sure? You mean you are turning off the incubators?? My last bunch finished hatching on Tuesday. I ended up with 14 Welsummers and 15 Cochins. The ratio on Welsummers is 6 males and 8 females. Cochins - who knows? Only time will tell.

My last batch of the season goes in this coming weekend, or maybe Monday depending on whether any of the last eggs in there hatch or not, and when. Then we are done.

Saturday the breeding pen gets shut down and everybody moves back in together. Ah, the joys of re-establishing a pecking order...again.....And then we get to put the teenagers in with the main flock. Too much fun.
I don't mind driving in Denver. Then again, I lived there 11 years, and never planned on leaving...... then we had to for DH's job. Still getting used to rural living, and not being able to find whatever I want, whenever I want it. We drive to Denver at least once or twice a month, kept a couple of our doctors there (even though we've been down here for 5 years now, lol), and have family there.

But I am finally settling down and liking the quieter life, and the chickens have been a big part of that.
Ya, part of the fun or living a rural lifestyle is planning the trips in to town, and keeping everything you think you need on hand...

Beth will text me with shopping lists to pick up on the way home so we don't have to make yet another trip into Colorado Springs or Fountain. We plan alot of our trips into the Springs around Beth's chemo schedule.

I've been on the board's just a few days. yay to finding: Colorado forum

May 5th 2013 we arrived and June 5th we decided to rent a mobile home in small town Simla...I swear it's Kansas though (lol) windywindy!

Anyways for bday my husband built me this for my birthday gift of 4 chicks.

It is completely 100% reused items, down to the nails and the mesh fencing was purchased used from our neighbor for $5. We purchased the chicks, chick feed and a metal feeder plus the mesh. Couldnt have been $40 total

We have:
2 - Easter Eggers EE
1 - Welsummer
1 - Black (I think) Ameracuana

We have made a run now too. I open the aka: baby coop door open and they run to the run.

I need another coop built, I'm trying to create out of heavy heavy duty pallets...half way complete, because I dont think the baby coop is wide enough for them once they are full size.

Total newbie, wanted chickens plus my gardens my whole life. And I try DIY and reducing and reusing everything before purchasing new.

I this morning I had a vender audit scheduled..... I dress up in slacks, nice shoes, and nice shirt, I've got my forms, and I'm ready to go.....

Then I act on a hunch and give them a call to confirm the time.

They say "Oh didn't so and so call you? We can't do it today. We'll have to reschedule. How about on the 5th of July?" Not even! I have that day off! so now it's rescheduled for later in the month.

And now I have to work on the pile of forms and paperwork sitting on my desk that I was going to put off.......


Yesterday I spent an hour or more on the phone (over the course of the whole day) tracking down doctors to sign some prescription refills for Beth. One nurse wanted her to wait 6 weeks for a Dr appointment before signing!!!.....Nope, you can get up off your behind and and walk 20 feet to get the doctor to sign these. We'll make an appointment, but she isn't waiting that long for her meds! "Oh, ok, I'll get her chart", she says. 1 hour later I'm picking up the precriptions at the pharmacy.

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