
I have another broody as well that I am letting set some eggs. The first baby is doing great and Psycho has calmed down quite a bit.

Life is not a highway strewn with flowers,
Still it holds a goodly share of bliss,
When the sun gives way to April showers,
Here's the point you should never miss.
Though April showers may come your way,
They bring the flowers that freeze in May.
So if it's raining, have no regrets,
Because it isn't raining rain, you know,
It's only raining snow.

Poem by someone in my neighborhood.........
Well once the bantam cochin gave up the broody notion the GLW that is mean as heck took up that position.


I went out to trim the poor little polish's top knot and the GLW was sitting in the box. I went to see if she was sitting on any eggs and got a growl and a good bite. I suspected she was headed that way for a week now. Every time I went in the coop and she was on the roost I got the broody puff up and growl. Now she has claimed a nest box.


The polish Jennifer took to the trimming better than I expected. I am not sure yet if she can see at all. I can at least see her eyes and hope she can get used to the new do. She had been walking into the wall of the coop for a couple days. This morning I put treats right in front of her with no reaction. I figured her tennis ball sized poof could be responsible. Her eyes look clear and bright so I am hopeful she will be able to see. She did not react though when I kind of swung my hand right at her face after the cut. Has me worried for her now.

DH agrees if she is special needs she stays. I cannot sell "defective" birds in good conscience. The other 2 have different shaped poofs and see well.

Here is hoping for drier days to come

I know we need the water but more spread out would be nice.
Man it is wet out there. Our big flock is not happy and are sick of the rain and mud. They look like a bunch if drown rats.

Snow called in the forecast, reminds me of the rains during the Spring Creek flood and of course a couple years ago.

PS - now our Cornish is broody as heck she slept in the next box as she was there when I did bed checks and she was there this am. I wish she could have been broody a little over a week ago. She could have had some babies to raise! Silly girl. I guess I will keep removing her from the nest.
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It rained really hard here almost all night. I thought we would be getting a little break from it but it started back up about an hour ago. Gonna need a hay bailer when I try to mow the yard I fear.

No bird swap for me today due to the weather. Kinda bummed about that.
It rained really hard here almost all night. I thought we would be getting a little break from it but it started back up about an hour ago. Gonna need a hay bailer when I try to mow the yard I fear.

No bird swap for me today due to the weather. Kinda bummed about that.

Were you looking to get more birds? The concrete through in the free range area is totally full from the rain we had drained it.
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Yea under a flash flood warning or advisory as well in Boulder. Man just think if we had been able to get our gardens in before all this rain!
Quote: I had plans to sell about 11 birds. I guess they will be here another month. Getting really crowded. I am thinking the next swap is on the same day as the scheduled processing of the older birds. That would not be good since I cannot be in both places at the same time.
The local swap was cancelled here in Loveland. TSC has an update that the swap in Brighton is a go rain or shine.
I even made transport crates for them so they would not be crammed into dog carriers and would be easier for folks to check them out.
My daughter's track meet was cancelled because of the rain forecast. I put 4 welsummer eggs and 5 brown-red split ameraucana bantam eggs in lockdown this morning. Of course after I put these in the incubator all kinds of hens went broody so I'm hoping to give some babies to those broody girls.

Crazy thing happened on Thursday morning. I ordered 10 Narragansett turkey poults back in March. The box comes on Thursday and as I peek through the box holes the babies look yellow. I'm thinking what in the world. They shouldn't be yellow! The box had 10 yellow chicks in it, no turkeys. Who knows what they are!! They are probably leghorn males with my luck. The hatchery is supposed to ship the poults next week. The box had a sticker on it that it was packed by Andrea. I'd like to speak with that girl.
My daughter's track meet was cancelled because of the rain forecast. I put 4 welsummer eggs and 5 brown-red split ameraucana bantam eggs in lockdown this morning. Of course after I put these in the incubator all kinds of hens went broody so I'm hoping to give some babies to those broody girls.

Crazy thing happened on Thursday morning. I ordered 10 Narragansett turkey poults back in March. The box comes on Thursday and as I peek through the box holes the babies look yellow. I'm thinking what in the world. They shouldn't be yellow! The box had 10 yellow chicks in it, no turkeys. Who knows what they are!! They are probably leghorn males with my luck. The hatchery is supposed to ship the poults next week. The box had a sticker on it that it was packed by Andrea. I'd like to speak with that girl.

I have to lol a little. You got someone else's chick order and I am sure someone somewhere opened a box of turkeys and went "WHAT the heck are these????"
Leghorn males would be a bummer to get. Take forever to grow and then they are scrawny and mean as heck. Not good for table or flock.

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