
Updated pic of my random free TSC chicks. Pretty positive on 1 cockerel, 1 pullet (black sex link) and the other 4 still in question. I never had a sultan (white chick) so not sure what to look for as they have such a different feathering, but I dig it's little mohawk!!

Day 7 incubating goose eggs. Egg #1 clear but 7 developing. Did not add my gander with her until #6. Excited I'll get some other genetics in my flock. Better get thinking about a new winter goose setup.
Is everyone enjoying all the Spring snow? I'm tired of snow but boy is it nice to have the moisture, especially when the sun comes out the next day and melts everything. The ducks don't mind snow but the chickens prefer to stay off it unless necessary.

EE chicks are about 6.5 weeks now. I think the BOs and Delaware are around 8 weeks. They intermingle with the adults in the run but they don't follow the flock yet. No fighting at all. They have been going out in the yard more and are enjoying exploring in the coop now, too. I think my grey EE is a cockerel but I'm pretty sure the rest are pullets.

I do like that we're getting more moisture, but this back and forth weather is really mess'n with me. I have cherry trees hanging out in the garage, waitin to be planted. I have raised beds waiting for planting. And my Apple trees do not know what to do. Crazy Colorado weather.
Our chicks are 4 weeks now, and will prob have a wall of the brooder taken off this weekend. Then they get a whole barn stall, while still having a protective corner and heater. I'm excited to let them have some outside time too, I love watching them scratch and dust bathe.
In my part of Colorado, we've had an extremely mild winter. Temps from 40F to 70F for the past 3 months, usually in the teens to 20s, at most for that time period. We did get about a foot this last storm, but it was gone by afternoon. Actually broke a sweat this afternoon.
Been awhile since there was an update! I hope everyone is doing okay and hello to all the new people! I've, unfortunately, been getting harassed and discriminated at my Day Job and that's been making my disabilities worse than they should be. I've recently gone through a process with HR (where HR sided with me, surprisingly) and am working with disability lawyers on what else I can do. Not leaving a lot of energy for much, to be honest.

Lucky for the animals, they just keep doing what they do! The peafowl have started ramping up their breeding season. I saw one successful mating, but I haven't found any signs of eggs from the peahens yet. I've got 7 eggs in the incubator from the chickens (because I got tired of waiting for the peahens), and that's always exciting to watch. For the people that were wanting prints of some of my pictures, I have set up a business for my art and a store at Redbubble right now ( I'm still working on getting more stuff added there, and if anyone has a specific photo they want a print of let me know so I can make it available. All the earnings from that shop will go to taking care of the birds since my having a Day Job is on shaky ground right now.

And now, pictures!

I have a broody hen that I would love to put to work. Who has fertile hatching eggs within decent driving distance of Evergreen?? Would need to be purebred, not mixed please. Tell me what you have!

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