
Its a sad night tonight for us... an owl got our favorite hen tonight. The door malfunctioned on the coop and the flock couldn't get inside to the lead hen was found dead-- neck snapped and i believe killed instantly by an owl. I removed her body and place it far away from the run/coop complex. Her body might as well do to some animal's betterment. I was ... am so heart broken over her loss. The rest of the flock was hiding hither and and nither and I picked each one up carefully and placed them in the coop to roost...they refuse to roost...but they are at least safe, but clearly very very frightened. I confirmed it was an owl attack because they are protected by an 8 foot fenced run, but not top yet and I witnessed the owl leaving.

RIP Rosamond.
Aww Ryan that just stinks. So sorry you all are going through this pain and sadness tonight. Something most of us know all too well.
Thankfully the owl only got one and no more. Did it not have time to eat her or do they kill like that and leave the body. (question mark not working)

Sorry about you're hen ryan, lost a rooster myself this week to a predator. Had 4 Marans hatch yesterday so that was nice.
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Stickers, so far we've been lucky with the preds up here. Namely the little suckers flying all over
There were a couple of big hawks floating over the Olive trees at the perimeter of the property yesterday as we were leaving for my moms in Arvada, and then one perching on the telephone pole on the Bromley side of the property. I thought for sure we'd come home to a loss or two. But everyone was good. Maybe it's the two pigs and the two big roos that pal around with all the hens that keep them at bay but who knows. Sorry about your loss though. He must've been protecting his family
I too, lost my favorite, prize grey call hen to a fox the other day. Note, in broad daylight the little &*%#@!!! Now I am out a breeding pair of grey call ducks and my friend that had the parents, does not have the birds any longer. OF COURSE, the fox did not go for my others, just my best hen. So if anyone out there has a grey call duck hen for sale, I would be very interested in purchasing her or trading. I have a snowy and a butterscotch hen I would be willing to trade for. I would prefer a full blooded grey hen. I am 3/4 of the way done with a raised breeding pen for the birds so this will not happen again. Not to mentions shis just gave my DH an excuse to purchase an electric preditor caller to get that fox. Please pm me if you have a bird. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgivings!
sure sad to hear everyone's losses! why is it always the prized/favorite that get's the bad luck? poor dears..

all the predator activity makes me wonder if winter will be worse than last year, maybe they're trying to prep?
Hard to say...many believe in the predictive capabilities of wildlife while others believe its simply opportunity. If you'll notice, the past few days have been exceptionally nice least on the front range.... Making the living a bit easier for many.

Our owl returned tonight. My wife went to close the coop door and the remaining flock was already roosting, thank God. She said it was still plenty light out so the owl certainly came looking for more. I removed the hens body from last nights attack and put it in my neighbors field...they never go there and there is nothing up there but I wanted it away the coop.

On a good note, there was an egg in the nest box today... Guess one of the hens decided it was her turn to step up.
Man hold on to your chooks today!!!! It's so dang windy! You could hear the rotor winds all night long here in Parker and when one would get low enough our house would sound like it was being picked up and set down! It's unfortunate I hate the wind so much, living in Colorado. If only we could get some snow with these systems, that would be nice.

Does anyone have a good remedy for keeping owls away? It's clear I'm going to have to put netting above the run but I'd like the owl to just stay away. Any ideas besides killing it, which I'm unwilling to do?

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