
Weight comparisons at processing between hatchery cockerels and Heritage Bred birds from Old Dominion Dominiques.
The two cockerels that remained from Old Dominion Dominiques were processed at 23 weeks, along with 4 cockerels we raised from Cackle Hatchery stock. The cockerels from Old-Dominion Dominiques were larger than the hatchery cockerels, and averaged 5.62 lbs. live weight. The hatchery cockerels averaged about 4 lbs. live weight. Both groups of cockerels lost about 20% of their weight during the butchering process, with the ODD birds dressing out at an average of 4.5 lbs. and the Cackle birds at 3.2 lbs. dressed weight.
Two weeks later at 25 weeks, the remaining hatchery cockerels (one weighed 5 ½ lbs.) averaged 4 ¾ lbs. These also lost about 20% during dressing, for an average dressed weight was 3.8 lbs. The difference in waiting two weeks was a weight gain of an average of ¼ lb. live weight, but with an increase of just over ½ lbs. dressed weight. The Cockerels we hatched from Old Dominion Dominiques were about 1 ¼ lbs. heavier than the Cackle hatchery birds of the same age. Even waiting two weeks longer for the last of the Cackle birds, though they gained weight appreciably, still weren’t as big on average as the other birds that were two weeks younger. As the overall weight gain in the hatchery birds was only ¼ lb, yet the dressed weight was over ½ lb, the gain was conclusively muscle mass gain. This was very noticeable in the size of the breasts.



Live weight average

Dressed weight average
Old Dominion Dominiques

23 weeks

5.62 lbs.

4.50 lbs.
Cackle Hatchery

23 weeks

4.50 lbs.

3.20 lbs.
Cackle Hatchery

25 weeks

4.73 lbs.

3.74 lbs.
Hey all, I'm new to BYC (just joined this morning) and am working on getting a backyard flock started up in the spring. I'm in Denver and am trying to figure out where and when I should get my chicks! I was thinking some time in February to get some eggs from the girls this season and that I could order from some online hatcheries. But then I see that the minimum goes up to around 15 chicks if I want them sent to me that early in the year. Do you know of any chick suppliers (large or small) close to Denver or would someone in the area be interested in going in with me on an order?
 They do have a 15% Organic Layer feed both in bagged & bulk. The bulk is $65.71 & bagged is $35.20. It has flaxseed instead and there is no corn no soy in it. However, its in powder form since they do not have the ability to pellet.

Thanks for the info!
Hey all, I'm new to BYC (just joined this morning) and am working on getting a backyard flock started up in the spring.  I'm in Denver and am trying to figure out where and when I should get my chicks!  I was thinking some time in February to get some eggs from the girls this season and that I could order from some online hatcheries.  But then I see that the minimum goes up to around 15 chicks if I want them sent to me that early in the year.  Do you know of any chick suppliers (large or small) close to Denver or would someone in the area be interested in going in with me on an order?

I plan on ordering chicks in April from cackle hatchery. I plan to order 15 so you'd be welcome to add to my order if you decide to wait longer! Thier shipping is quite reasonable in my opinion. I am also planning/hoping to order some French copper Marans at the same time (from a different source).

You guys will appreciate this.....As it was getting dark (about 15 minutes after sundown) hubby heard the rooster making a racket outside (from the basement!). He was not in the coop but was settling in to roost in some old vines. I took a look in the coop and 2 BAs were missing. I searched the backyard with a flashlight looking for them but hubby was the one to find them......roosting in a tree about 12 feet off the ground!! Hubby and his broken ankle couldn't get them down so I had to poke at them with a snow shovel extended all the way over my head! I finally spooked them and they flew out of the tree and halfway across the yard! Then I had to chase them down to get them into the coop. Oh, the excitement our backyard saw tonight! Sheesh!

The rooster I referenced above is an EE and becoming awfully good looking, really shiny feathers! But, he crowed up a storm yesterday (at sunup so not crazy early) and will need to head to his new home this weekend. Thankfully we have a home set up for him (as THE rooster to a bunch of hens) with one of the teachers from the kid's elementary school. :)
This is the rooster, Baby, previously known as the chick in my avatar. :)
Hey all, I'm new to BYC (just joined this morning) and am working on getting a backyard flock started up in the spring. I'm in Denver and am trying to figure out where and when I should get my chicks! I was thinking some time in February to get some eggs from the girls this season and that I could order from some online hatcheries. But then I see that the minimum goes up to around 15 chicks if I want them sent to me that early in the year. Do you know of any chick suppliers (large or small) close to Denver or would someone in the area be interested in going in with me on an order?
Welcome to BYC!! There is a hatchery advertised on this site called Chickens for Backyards. They have a minimum order of 3 chicks. Might be a possibility. I have never ordered from them so I can't give any reference on the company, but maybe others on BYC can. Also, you can check out any feed stores, co-op's in the Denver area, generally they will have chicks in spring, and/or will order for you. Or another idea is that on BYC under Forum, there is a Buy-Sell-Trade thread where many people on here list hatching eggs, young chicks, juvenile birds and adult birds for sale. You would more than likely get a better quality bird if you purchase from the breeders here on BYC. Good luck and best wishes....p.s. always consider chicken math when preparing for your flock's coop
Hey all, I'm new to BYC (just joined this morning) and am working on getting a backyard flock started up in the spring.  I'm in Denver and am trying to figure out where and when I should get my chicks!  I was thinking some time in February to get some eggs from the girls this season and that I could order from some online hatcheries.  But then I see that the minimum goes up to around 15 chicks if I want them sent to me that early in the year.  Do you know of any chick suppliers (large or small) close to Denver or would someone in the area be interested in going in with me on an order?

Welcome! does a 3 chick minimum to Denver and so does another hatchery, mcmurry I think. Or was it Meyer... Also, make sure to check out local breeders! There are PLENTY in the Denver area. What breeds are you looking at?
coop question....
I have 3 seven month old chickens, and 4 almost 4 month old chickens.
My little girls don't like going into the coop at night because my big girls and mean to them.
What can I do? I divided the coop in half with chicken wire and left that up for about a month. The big girls
had access to the ramp and nesting boxes, but the little girls I had to put in and out by hand.
I pulled the wire divider down this week so that all of them could use the ramp, thinking this would make my
life easier, but the little girls will not go in at night unless I hand carry them in.
Any suggestions?
I got the little girls two months ago, so they've all been around each other awhile now.
Hey all, I'm new to BYC (just joined this morning) and am working on getting a backyard flock started up in the spring.  I'm in Denver and am trying to figure out where and when I should get my chicks!  I was thinking some time in February to get some eggs from the girls this season and that I could order from some online hatcheries.  But then I see that the minimum goes up to around 15 chicks if I want them sent to me that early in the year.  Do you know of any chick suppliers (large or small) close to Denver or would someone in the area be interested in going in with me on an order?

you could wait to see what the feed stores bring in. If i remember right they started carrying chicks in April. i went through ideal for my first order, I only bought 10 of them. there is also that does really small orders, but you pay out the nose.

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