Colored Sebastopal Geese - New Photos

Me, too! LOL

Last year every egg that developed did pip. I had 2 that died after pipping. They make me nervous as they pip and can then wait a couple days before hatching out.
Yep. Same with chickens. LOL

I worked very hard for my buff dewlap toulouse past year. I bought eggs for Mother's Day to myself and managed to only hatch 2 out 5. 1 started and stopped and 2 never developed. The grey dewlaps was 1 for 3 and the grey baby was doing so well and then one morning I found it passed.

My sebbie ws similar. only the 1 egg hatched though. He needs a girl friend!

The embdens were a breeze.

It is the eye candy that is killing me!!!
Mp this is exciting
The adults are very pretty birds, never really have looked at them before. You may have said this but how long is there gestation period? (or is that not the correct term for eggs)

Can't wait to see pics of the babies. Do they have the feathery "skirts" as babies or do they grow as they get older? Sorry for all the ?s but this is something new and exciting.

I am five days behind you, I am on day 5 now....I'll try to get pics but later...I did what you said about not touching...or at least I didn't lift...I had to put my finger on an egg so it did roll while the flashlight was on it....out of 3 , 2 have veins..but not as much as yours 'cause they are 5 days younger...but you can se ethe embryo in tehre...I was trying to tell if it was moving but couldn't.

THe third I am not so sure blood ring, but no veins...but not very clear i am going to give it until day 10 and check again...if no signs, then I'll open it....i am hoping that the egg is just too think to show me right now and I'll see it later.

I am on pins and needles too...;cause now that I know they are growing...its keeping them growing and hatching that worries me...
28 - 32 days! It s enough to make you crazy.

They are plain and then as the adult feather come in they start to curl.

They really are "ugly duckling" types until they feather out.
Don't give up on #3. 5 days behind me and you might be surprised in 3 or 4 days to see veining in that egg. Some you can see vigorous devlopment at 3 days and some take 7 at least.

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