Colored Sebastopal Geese - New Photos

Oh, I hope your other babies are okay!!!!!!!!
I think I would also candle the other eggs. If they are pipped internally, you can make a pinpoint hole with a sharp screw at the top of the shell so that the gosling can get air. I would heat a warm wash cloth and put them on top of it. Take them to a humid room- a steamy bathroom, candle them and make the tiny hole. It is fairly common to do this for call ducks because they have such a hard time hatching. After 30 days they might need a bit of help. Best of luck !
I kept dreaming something was wrong with my sebbie. It was repeatedly this urgency that I needed to get to the bator - NOW! I ignored it and tossed and turned thinking it was just my excitement over the one hatch that had me high strung. Well, I got up at 3am. The baby was in the back of the incubator and I had to slide the trays out to get him.

That is when I nearly had heart failure. All under the tray and in the back of my brand new incubator is green mold.

Mind you this incubator is brand new off the show room floor and nothing has ever been put in it but my tray of goose eggs at the very top. Temperatures and humidity have run steady since day one.

I haven't a clue what caused this or when it started.

I pulled everything out. Mixed up a bleach/water solution and got to work. I have every cleaned up and dry now. I put the egg tray back in on top and all I can do now is watch the eggs for the next week and see if they are growing or if the hatch has been compromised. At this point I could just cry.


20 beautiful eggs and they all may be lost.

Im keeping my fingers crossed for you. Hopefully, the hatching will continue uneventfully.

Did you candle the two eggs that stopped rocking?

I pipped them both. 1 was in the air cell and one was not.

Both fully developed, everything looked perfect. Both had pink beaks. One had yellowish down and one had dark down.
Miss Prissy, I am so very sorry about the babies.

I remember you saying that the humidity was 80%. That is pretty high. I can never get my sportsman above 55 or so with the auto humidity buckets. That is maybe the reason for the green mold. It actually goes the highest when the babies start to hatch as they make their own moisture. maybe try to reduce your moisture for the rest of the eggs.

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