Comb changing colors...does my EE has mood swings?


Rest in Peace 1963-2021
11 Years
Mar 20, 2008
NW Kentucky
Okay here is the chickens' combs and face change colors with mood?

My EE who is 25 weeks old and not laying yet, had a blood red comb and blood red on the skin around her eyes and beak....when we picked her up and started loving on her I watched the blood red fade away to her normal pinkish color.

So, was it stress from pacing and wanting attention or is she getting ready to start laying or or or? It looked like she was blushing.
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Cetawin, I don't know the first thing about easter eggers....okay I know they lay colored I was saying I don't know the second thing about easter eggers, but my hen's combs change all the time. When they are excited or hot their combs are bright red. When they are very relaxed and comfortable their combs grow paler, although the ones that are now laying never get a really pale pink comb.
Thanks...I think that is what it was...she was wanting out of the tractor and to be held and it was blood red. Once picked up and petted I watched it grow paler. LOL
It's pretty normal for small "mood" changes in the comb. :p

If a big combed bird get's cold, sometimes it will turn purplish too! Just keep an eye out for frost bite on combs prone to bluing though.

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