Comb Colour Question. (Now with Photos)


5 Years
Mar 9, 2014
Hello, everyone. We are currently raising 4 EE chicks about 6.5 weeks old (we lost the 5th, a cockerel, to predation last night, it was pretty upsetting).

Out of the 4 left, I was pretty sure we had two pullets (one with a small, very pale, single-looking pea comb, and one with zero comb development at all), and one cockerel (very prominent three row, raspberry-coloured pea comb), with one undecided (no comb development, but slightly pink skin where it should be).

This afternoon, I went out there to check on everyone again, and everyone except the suspected pullet with no comb had very flushed, raspberry coloured combs/skin. Does this mean we're in for a bushel of roos, or could it be the heat? (we're sitting at a very humid, 80 degrees that feels much warmer. I notice our hens get fairly red when the temps get higher.)
Their combs aren't always so bright either, as this morning they were all fairly pale, even the known cockerel.

Is the appearance of a raspberry comb the nail in the coffin?

Thank you!
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Photos. The red is more intense than the photos suggest. (Sorry about the blurriness of the black bird photos. I couldn't get them to stop moving long enough for my phone to focus properly.)

First, our known cockerel.

Our "single" pea comb black.

This was just now:

Same bird yesterday.

Our no-comb black:

Same bird yesterday

Our 99% sure Pullet:

And a semi group shot taken yesterday.
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