comb vaselining???


12 Years
Jan 2, 2008
western mass
We have a chicken with a huge comb. I have heard that when a chicken has a big comb, you should put vaseline on it to prevent frostbite. I have 2 questions:
1. Is this true???
2. If it is, when should I start to put vaseline on it?? When it is below freezing, or just when it starts to get cold? If you have the faintest idea, please tell me.
ooh! good question!!..*waiting for replys also*...
..and i live in western mass also!...
I put vaseline on one of my roosters combs only when it is going to be below 30 for a couple days, definately if it is going to be zero. I put it on only at night though. Not sure if this has ever helped him or not but, knock on wood, he has not gotten frost bite yet. I am in NJ so it probably doesnt get as cold here as it does there. I'm sure more people will chime in.
Most chickens tuck their head under their wing while sleeping. This helps at night but if it's really cold during the day I would use the vaseline....
I was told it's more the rubbing of the comb and improving the circulation that helps than the vaseline itself. You don't need to worry about until it gets very cold (very coming from someone in Iowa is at least close to 0) and you have roosters with large combs. Roosters don't always tuck their heads while sleeping either.
I use Vaseline on my own cheeks when I'm going to be out in temps less than 20°F. That's about the time I started thinking about it for the leghorns... but last winter we got down to -30F for a LONGGGG time, and I never put any Vaseline on them. They did fine.
That question was actually posted, on my account, by my nine year old! She is super-worried about her beloved Dulcinea, a blue Andalusian hen with a comb and wattles that most roosters would die for.

I'm not QUITE as concerned as the kid is, but thank you all for your thoughts! I realized she's a sch a good writer youd never even know the question came from a little 'un! What a kid.

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