Comb wound - how do I bandage?


12 Years
Apr 2, 2011
N. Ga mountains
One of my girls has a wound at the base of her comb. I cleaned it and put a glob of antibiotic cream on it but now it's bleeding again. I've put her in an isolation cage for now (she's NOT happy). How do I treat this?
do you have a picture? if it's really bad put some blu-coat on it, otherwise keep her seperate in a clean crate and apply the antibiotic cream a couple times a day. chickens combs get damaged all the time and they are usually fine in about a week or less. my BR girl got a badly infected comb right on the blade. it turned black and eventually fell right off. she's fine now, just missing the back of her comb!
So combs never grow back? Yikes! What are the chances of my girl's comb falling off? The wound is right at the base, mostly on her head but it seems to nick a bit into the comb.
How's your injured girl today? Here's a pic of Gimpy with what is left of her comb

Her comb used to look like this chicken's comb!

See why I call her Gimpy?
mine now looks a lot like yours and she's fine. less comb to get frost bite on, right?
just make sure there's no infection, eggy, and she should be fine whether her part of her comb falls off or not
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My girl is doing fine now. The wound clotted nicely. I'm watching out for comb rot though. Ugh. It's nice to know that a combectomy won't make her any less of a woman.

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