Come hatch along with us!!! Last sets of the year! 10-18 to 11-7

Omg can't wait. Tell me a story of your first broody hen everyone! It will ease my hyperness!
LOL my first ever broody is in my back "hospital" room for the next couple days till her congestion clears up. She's a Cochin banty. I was told she went broody when i got her and her roo, I just didn't expect her to do what she did. I recently sectioned off a part of my coop for my bantys and made them a smaller run to call their own. I decided since the bantys had all been around the chicks with no problems and since i have heat for the bantams anyways i would harden off my chicks with them. Well the very first night i put the chicks out I flashed the maglight on to check the runs and the hen was out next to their ramp. I naturally went to investigate. Well not only was the hen just chilling out there, she had 8 chicks all brooded up under here. 2&3 weeks old broilers & meat roos. I bout died laughing when i jumped in the pen thinking "oh i saw one chick no biggy" to put her in and find it was 8 LOL. This kept on for 5 days, but she got a bit raspy sounding so shes getting a break to get better. Well hope that gives ya a laugh :)
My Khaki Campbell duck eggs are due on Halloween! May I join? I have never done this before... I only have two left and I went into lockdown Friday cuz I thought they were due today
I saw movement when I candled though so... Also I heard that they should be peeping and pecking by now and they are not. Any duck people out there that can help me!?
My Khaki Campbell duck eggs are due on Halloween! May I join? I have never done this before... I only have two left and I went into lockdown Friday cuz I thought they were due today
I saw movement when I candled though so... Also I heard that they should be peeping and pecking by now and they are not. Any duck people out there that can help me!?
Welcome. I'm on day 19 and I am pumped! Mine are due on the day before halloween. So if yours are due on halloween that mean you'd be on lockdown right? But anyway I don't know much about ducks but I do know that they would not likley be peeping or pecking by now. And you probaly want to candle them right now incase you messed up. but don't take my word for it ask someone who has ducks.
My Khaki Campbell duck eggs are due on Halloween! May I join? I have never done this before... I only have two left and I went into lockdown Friday cuz I thought they were due today
I saw movement when I candled though so... Also I heard that they should be peeping and pecking by now and they are not. Any duck people out there that can help me!?
Awesome & welcome :) Ive got anconas and cayugas. one of my anconas laid her first egg over night last night :D guess I'll be firing up the coolerbator and getting more eggs going
Rut row! How did you lose it?

Kaylee...cant find your bator?

Also want to say good luck to all who are in Sandys path.
BAD MEDICINE there sounds like......Hold tight to those eggs!!!
I still can't find it! My husband and I have looked *everywhere*! We moved from Alabama here to Louisiana back in July, 2 weeks after we hatched out our Littlefoot. Its just one of those Styrofoam deals. but anyway, i found the egg turner stuffed unceremoniously into a box (it was not broken thankfully!) but no bator! we have opened every box, looked in every closet... we even looked in the barn! i am so sad, since i found someone to buy eggs from!
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