Comfort Food Faves

Home made Mac and cheese. Mom's meat loaf. I could never make it the way she did, but I can come close enough that it fills the hole. Lasagna. Pot roast or roast pork with all the veggies. Home made baked beans and rolls and coleslaw. Home made pumpkin pie, served warm. Beef stew. Fish chowder. Peanut butter cookie, still warm. Note that all of these meals are a serve it now, and enjoy left overs later types of meals.
Awesome that's the thing with someone else's cooking, you can never get close enough :yesss:
Dinner @lazy gardeners house!

My mom was an amazing cook but she's been gone so long, other than wishing I didn't always have to cook every single holiday meal by myself I've learned to be content with my own cooking. Meatloaf is a tough one though. Can't claim I get it right.
Thanks for trying, Cave man. But, no meat loaf recipe will come close to my Mom's! It was ambrosia, served up with boiled potatoes, and other veggies cooked to perfection, and a heap of love. Of course a good part of the experience was the SMELL in the kitchen! Sadly, she died suddenly, without any time to do those end of life things, like pass on favorite recipes.
Thanks for trying, Cave man. But, no meat loaf recipe will come close to my Mom's! It was ambrosia, served up with boiled potatoes, and other veggies cooked to perfection, and a heap of love. Of course a good part of the experience was the SMELL in the kitchen! Sadly, she died suddenly, without any time to do those end of life things, like pass on favorite recipes.
My deepest condolences for your loss. :hugs
It was years ago, but... Doesn't take away the missing. She was an awesome lady, attending a spaghetti supper, batting tennis balls on a Friday, and 3 days later, she died from a blown thoracic aneurysm, IMO due to negligence on the part of hospital docs who would choose to watch an aortic aneurysm that was bleeding into the layers of the aorta, instead of treating it. Our medical system in action. or should that be: Our medical system inaction.
It doesn't get as cold here as it does in other places up north in the winter. I guess that's why they like to come down here to vacation during that time. About a week ago however, it did get a bit chilly. I cooked some thin spaghetti noodles, then tossed them with some chicken and some 4 cheese alfredo sauce, with some buttered garlic bread on the side. It was soooo good!

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