Comfort Food Faves

Hey guys!

Can I play?

Beef stew
Potato soup
French onion soup(although I haven't yet learned how to make it)
Definitely any breakfast food. (Especially the whole hog sausage our local fire department makes only once a year for a fundraising banquet)
Oatmeal with real maple syrup.

Roast home grown chicken with all the fixings. Complete with home made corn bread.

Home grown and processed(blanched and cut off the cob) sweet corn out of the freezer. Yum! Just like fresh!!
Also home grown green beans blanched and frozen like the corn.

Home canned peaches(taste like fresh- I don't like store bought) as a side or a dessert!

Home made and canned apple pie filling in one of many different ways. In oatmeal, over iced cream, in a pie, cobbler, or apple crisp!

Home made chicken soup with home made noodles from Great Grandma's recipe! Served over a bed of hot mashed potatoes! Makes it more filling and go farther! The soup is thickened by the flour used to roll out the noodles and depending on how thick it's made can be as thick as gravy. Of course it gets thicker every time it's eaten.

Home made jams on toast biscuits or anything else! Strawberry blueberry peach and raspberry! Hopefully next year we'll be adding to the list!

Beef pot roast.
Bacon wrapped quail
Ham glazed in sorghum and honey
Ham and bean soup(made with the remnants of the ham dinner)

Cheesecake with a banana bread crust!

Banana bread
Baked or fried cod/or any fish generally better if you caught it yourself except the cod of course. We also love walleye, panfish, and a number of others.

Smoked salmon, smoked trout

I'm coming to ChickenDream's house for supper.

Grilled ham and cheese sandwiches
Cream of mushroom soup over pork chops(steaks)

Pork in the slow cooker with bbq sauce

Fresh baked muffins
Amish sugar cookies
Spritz cookies

Chicken strips
Fried chicken

I love canning pineapple chutney,jams, jellies, pickles, aww comfort :droollove bake goods :wee

Pick me up please :bow

Swing by I'll be ready. Crashing several of your parties in fact. I'll bring some shepherds pie.

Rolling on the floor laughing out loud!

Thank you all I'm very flattered that you guys think the things I said sound so good.

We're no 4 or 5 star restaurant just good home grown food with as much stuff as we can raise ourselves.

My DH2B's family farms and grows canning crops along with field corn, seed corn, mint and a little soybeans.

Okay pot luck dinner at my house!

What's everyone bringing? Lol

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