Completely new to Ducks - help!



5 Years
Apr 18, 2019
Northern Ontario Canada
So, I have decided to get a couple ducks for my yard. I have never ever owned a duck before or any other outdoor bird. Before I dive head first into this, I want to make sure I have everything lined up for them and hopefully get as much knowledge about them as I can so they can lead happy health lives.
I would love to get a couple duckings to start out. If I were to get three would you recommend 2 females and 1 male? Is there any preference?
I am also unsure of what breed to get. Maybe some suggestions? I'm looking for good layers, generally quiet (I know they all quack and I'm totally okay with that, but if there are any breeds that are screamers - no thanks lol), and then I'm concerned with them flying/wandering away (is that a thing?).

I live on about 1.5 acres of land so lots of room for a few ducks. I plan on having them free range. How do you keep them in your yard? One of my neighbours is a bit away from me but has a horse and I wouldn't want them waddling over there and potentially getting kicked.

I also have a 6x6x6 chain link outdoor dog pen that my dogs don't use and I was thinking of using that for their coop area (is it called a coop for ducks? lol), I was planning on putting something on top for a roof and then setting up a few A-frame shelters for them in there. Is that enough room for 3 ducks? As I said before, I'd want them to free range but put them in here at night or when I am not home so that nothing gets them.

I have a million other questions but this post is already SO LONG. Thank you to anyone who fully reads this.
Any, and I mean any, thoughts, tips, guidance for anything duck related you may have for me, please let me know!! I want to learn and be prepared!

I would recommend that you get Storeys guide to raising ducks by Dave Holderread. It is a good introduction to what you need to know. Also, spend a lot of time on this site and the sticky duck thread.
I agree, great book, and here is the sticky link mentioned:

Also good reading here:
I love ancona ducks, they dont fly, good weight, good foragers, lay about 200 eggs a year, friendly. I could go on all day :)
Some of mine lay green eggs too.
Here's some of the babies in the kiddie pool from this morning. They will be 6 weeks tomorrow

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