concerned for a friend personal safety & $ **update pg 17**


Debi wins.
Did anyone notice that his "license" was for a residency at the hospital AND its now expired...
Discipline on File
Public ComplaintClick here for more information
Address of Record
Westchester General Hospital
2500 SW 75th Avenue

Just sayin...
Perhaps show your dear friend this information...
I'm wondering if this guy is pretending to be this doctor, setting your friend up this whole time, getting her all excited to finally meet him, then when the day comes, and the Dr. doesn't show up your friend will be sad and upset--Out of town and away from home. Then this looney who has been baiting her this whole time (pretending to be this dr)will introduce himself non-chalant like and be the "shoulder for her to cry on" when she's so vulnerable. He sure sounds like a psycho to me. And noone would ever know about him...all anyone knows is she was going to meet the "dr".

I hope over time, (what little there is before this encounter) that she wakes up.
we have agreed not to talk about it any longer... but i know she does not have her passport and it takes a while to get it cause she is very rural... so I think she is safe till her book launch when then the good Dr. said he will be showing up.. we will see...
mom'sfolly :

dang it...license looks as wrong as the rest to me, but it wouldn't have been redlined....

One of my high school teachers gave me one of the school dictionaries. Her comment was that I needed it more than the school did. Strangely enough, she was one of my favorite teachers....

PA legal bartending age is 18.

I think we should start a BYC background checking service.

Great Idea !!!

I'll start. Here is the Wisconsin Circuit Access Court Information site. I would love to have all of the other state's websites Just in case you want to check someone out. We have a friend who's daughter is living with a guy from Mississippi and would love to check him out but I don't know the court website for Mississippi.
I agree that this McJerk is a scam of some sort but never thought about the above. Good point. Could very well be what he is planning.

Or even more bizzar could it be someone she already knows trying to pull a funny (in their eyes) prank on her ?? Does sound like just some sicko lurking the internet though.
Do you think that maybe because she doensn't want to talk about it any longer that perhaps she might be sensing the scam or perhaps she is to embarrassed to tell you that he hasn't emailed?
You know all of a sudden while I was reading the threads I remember this happening to woman I worked with years ago. The poor girl was let's just say homely would be a commpliment for her. And I mean no disrespect when I say that.
She was a very intellegent person but her hygeine was not the best. She was politely asked several times to do something about it as it offended some of her coworkers.
So anyway, to make a long story shorter, she one day announced that she was engaged to a man she had met, I think via a penpal. Not quite sure about that but I think that is how they met. Of course everyone at the office was surprised. But not as surprised as when they found out he was very very good looking.
She had lived at home with her parents thru adulthood and didn't spend on clothes etc. She made a good living and had a big savings account.
So she quit her job. Got married. He left her. Don't remember how long she was gone but she got rehired and was back on the job. Soon found out she was pregnant with twins.
I don't remember if she got divorced or if the marriage was ever valid but the guy took her to the cleaners. He cleaned out her entire savings account.
She had two beautiful baby girls. My nieces actually went to high school with the twins. They were the prettiest girls. The guy was from Australia and his last name was SMITH.
I felt very badly for her but in the end she got two precious gifts that she probably would never of had. That was over 30 years ago before internet and ways to check out people.

I remember their were quite a few women at the office that had seen his picture would have called him McSteamy, McDreamy too. In this case he really was the guy in the picture but a true true conman.

I surely hope Jane comes to her senses. It to dangerous out there now days to not check things out.

well the book launch is on saturday.. and guess what mr wonderful cant make it... and now he is being all stand offish and bill barely return an email.. surprised?.. im not!

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