my son has been observing for a while. Have no experience with Muscovies and I ASSUME they arre domestic thus needing commercial feed. Mirror lake is popular for people dumping domestic ducks(like people dump cats on campus when they leave) and I am trying to think of my next move. I don't know how hardy muscovies are and if I should step in and possibly catch them or what. I am thinking of calling the humane society in Columbus. Theres also a Pekin duck and I know they don't do well unless fed domestic food. Musovies consist of a drake, duck, 4 almost grown ducklings. I am so angry at people for this. Then I wonder if theres a possibility someone feeds them(proper) and I know there were 2 pekins a few yrs. ago when I worked at osu(I retired from there a few yrs. back) and they were both lame and I didn't have the cahoonas to step in and help them. I can't stay quiet this time and don't know where to start. My instinct is to go tomorrow with nets and try to round them up but no doubt someone will consider that cruel. VERY shallow/small "lake" and it freezes quick.