Concerned..Muscovy ducks on Mirror lake on OSU campus


10 Years
Mar 2, 2009
central ohio
my son has been observing for a while. Have no experience with Muscovies and I ASSUME they arre domestic thus needing commercial feed. Mirror lake is popular for people dumping domestic ducks(like people dump cats on campus when they leave) and I am trying to think of my next move. I don't know how hardy muscovies are and if I should step in and possibly catch them or what. I am thinking of calling the humane society in Columbus. Theres also a Pekin duck and I know they don't do well unless fed domestic food. Musovies consist of a drake, duck, 4 almost grown ducklings. I am so angry at people for this. Then I wonder if theres a possibility someone feeds them(proper) and I know there were 2 pekins a few yrs. ago when I worked at osu(I retired from there a few yrs. back) and they were both lame and I didn't have the cahoonas to step in and help them. I can't stay quiet this time and don't know where to start. My instinct is to go tomorrow with nets and try to round them up but no doubt someone will consider that cruel. VERY shallow/small "lake" and it freezes quick.
Not cruel. You are right to be concerned. If you are moved to rescue them, do so. What kind of information do you feel you need to help you? I am about 550 miles away from you, but I can offer to point you toward information.

Take a look at this list. There are a couple of references to Ohio.

Also, Majestic Waterfowl has some good information on rescue operations.
Knowing that lake they would welcome you coming to get them. You can call Campus police and let them know you would like to catch and give a home to the dumped ducks so they are aware of your intensions before you ever go out.
THANK YOU- My main concern is the human population at mirror lake(like said-very small "lake" and has concrete path around it for people to enjoy, which they do in large numbers daily) and what they will do when/if I attempt to "take" these birds. The legal asspect and people trying to stop me(which will make me angry) is a concern so I want to go armed with nutrition etc knowledge for this sort of fowl. The Pekin I will probably just take because I KNOW it won't survive. I am reading varying things about mucovy but I know its generally in reference(feeding) to wild muscovy in southern USA. I will look up the sugg. site and try to contact them TY!!!!
Knowing that lake they would welcome you coming to get them. You can call Campus police and let them know you would like to catch and give a home to the dumped ducks so they are aware of your intensions before you ever go out.
Actually didn't think of the police(duh!!) but I suspect they will advise me to mind my business then I WILL bare my teeth. I am so going to be on the local news. God help me.(joking) will check it all out. TY all.
Looked up the Majesticwaterfowl site and the suggestions were encouraging. It would be nice to have a group of people (not hinting NO) but am confident we can get em(son said the ducklings,even, try to climb peoples legs for snacks.)Another concern is housing them as I have an elderly Pekin drake that is a fighter with males!!!!!And as I am sure you all experience I know of at least 2 other ponds(tho they are in suburban areas where people live) with Pekin populations and at least ONE pekin/mallard cross spotted. Very pretty but.....a friend is supposed to be investigating if one of the houses lining the pond feeds the domestics(and of course the wild fowl but I can't solve that problem)..
Glad the MW site was some help.

When we delve into these matters, it feels to me like one issue is attached to another and another. So take a deep breath, concentrate on helping who you can help with the resources you have. Encourage others to take some responsibility for these things, and something else I do is pray for the ones I cannot help directly.

Proud of you for stepping out on this one.
I have done some with TNR(with cats) and have learned my mouth is not my friend so I will try to breathe/think while getting thru this.And I THINK my son and I can handle the actual capture of the 6 muscovy/1 pekin.Am seriously not a people person and don't know how to ask for help(this is part of the problem here) so I have an email into the police and am trying to find a number to call tomorrow and will also try to find whomever manages Mirror Lake. OSU website didn't offer much about Mirror Lake other than mentioning the kids that jump in it every year for tradition(seriously gross water).OOOO-Miss Lydia-just realized what you were referring to-its on this forum!!thanks!

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