Concerns about bald spots?


May 4, 2016
Central Florida
Hello everyone. I am very new to this and still learning about chickens.

Backstory: a few years ago, someone in my neighborhood decided to try their hand at raising chickens. We don't know who owned them originally, but eventually, said owners just let them loose and the flock has grown/changed over the last few years to just be known as the neighborhood semi-wild flock. Most recently, a flock of about eight (three roosters, five hens) had some babies. One hen had some, no idea how she lost any, but ultimately abandoned three of them. The flock is down to two/four (depends on when we see them; down to one rooster and one/three hens), and I have no idea which of them had had this batch. The guy across the street from me picked up two, and on March 12, I picked up with the third. The guy ended up giving me the two to take care of, figuring they were from the same batch.

Fast forward to today, and the three chicks are nice and healthy. We have one little lady, named Jonah, a little rooster named Camille, and one we-thought-was-a-girl-but-might-be-a-boy named Gaia. The only reason I question Gaia's gender is that she started out looking a lot like Jonah, but different coloring, and as Camille was growing in his comb, Gaia started crowing. That was two to three weeks ago. Camille only started crowing this past week, and Gaia is growing a comb, but it doesn't look like his. I know lady chickens have smaller combs, but like I said, I'm very new to this still and trying to search "hen crowing" was confusing.

My concern is this: today I was taking a look at them and noticed both Camille and Gaia have these weird bald spots on their faces right around where their ears are. I noticed Gaia first because her's were very pink and you could see blue veins beneath the skin. I don't really see it on Jonah, and it's not as bad on Camille. I've tried looking this up, but all I see are pictures of where feather picking is on the back of the head, not the side. I've included pictures below, so you can see what I'm talking about.

Right now, they live in a 6'x3'x2' pen my husband built until we decide whether or not we're going to keep them. They have a heat lamp that we are trying to wean them off of, they have two poles for roosting and a big storage bin on its side to kind of hide in. They seem to be fine with the amount of space they have, I've never seen them peck at one another, and since the pen is in an unused room in our house, there's no way predators can get them. My only concern is if this is lice or mites, or if it's completely normal because that's where the comb/beard extends to on the face.

Camille again
Gaia, with Camille in the back.

Any answers or guidance would be much appreciated.
What you're seeing is just the ear lobes. Completely normal. I can't tell very well from your pictures, but if Gaia is crowing, 'he' is probably a cockerel. Hens crow usually when there isn't a rooster, and you said Camille is a boy. About how old do you think they are?
But if hens crow in the absence of a rooster, and Gaia started crowing well before her comb growing (which is nowhere near as fabulous as Camille's), couldn't it still be possible that she is a girl?
We think they're around nine weeks old. We saw them with the mom right after they were born, then she disappeared, and when we got all three, they had significant feather growth starting.
Taking pictures in my house is difficult because there's no good lighting, but I did my best today while there was still daylight left in the room. That, and I used the camera on my phone, so the quality isn't so great either.

Here is Camille:

Here is Gaia, and the pictures aren't as good. :/

This last one of Gaia is blurry because she moved, but the flash was on so you can see her feathers better.
The pictures turned out great. Unfortunately, both are cockerels.
They are very pretty though!
I was afraid you'd say that. I just wish I could get better pictures of Jonah. Camille and Gaia both will come to us when we offer our hands to them, but Jonah won't. Plus, if we try to pick her up or move our hands closer to her, she runs.

I'm also sad because that means we named all of them wrong. We originally thought Jonah was the boy and Camille and Gaia were the girls. I was still clinging to the hope that Gaia was a girl.
Unfortunately, no. My husband and I have been talking it over pretty much since we got them, and have ultimately decided it would be in everyone's best interesting we didn't keep them. One of my husband's coworkers has a relative that owns a farm, and said coworker will be asking if the relative can take all three. We really don't want to break them up and they have to go to someone that cares about chickens as much as we do. I'm so sad about the decision, but with our other three (very expensive) pets, we just wouldn't be able to handle them as they get bigger. That, and in our area, we can't have roosters. The crowing is getting louder each day and we don't want a neighbor complaining.

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