Confirmation needed please


In the Brooder
Jun 17, 2015
Pekin is now 3 months old, specially ordered from local feed store as a female. I'm thinking now she is a he!
Just looking for confirmation by vent sexing.
Thank you to all that responds!!!

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How about just a pic of the bird itself, instead of it's privates? Honestly, I've never looked at a bird's vent at this age so can't say one way or another. But at 3 months we can usually tell a pullet from a cockerel with a decent picture.


This is him/her
The name is Ms.Nibbles
As of yesterday we notice one feather on tail starting to curl.
Im 90% sure hes a boy but just need a second opinion since I did order a female, but I guess hatcheries do make mistakes
Lol thank u
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Based on the tail feathers, it's really difficult to tell whether there is a beginning of a curl (suggesting a male) or just an out-of-place feather due to camera angle (meaning hen).

If the bird is 3 months old and has developed its quack, you might be able to tell drake from hen based on the pitch of the quack. Drakes have a sort of raspy, reluctant quack that's relatively deep in pitch. In young drakes, the sound that they make may seem rather hoarse, like they have a dry throat. Hens have a raucous, louder, often squeal-like quack when you're holding them. Young hens may have a sudden "hiccup" of adult hen noises between the more duckling-associated screams/loud peeping.

From the size of your Pekin, I would guess that Ms. Nibbles is more than capable of producing some sort of quack. Whether the quack denotes a drake or hen will be the deciding factor.

Best of luck!

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