Confused about Broody Hen


In the Brooder
May 12, 2019
If anyone has any advice I’m open! We currently have a broody silkie who hatched our leghorns egg. She has raised her and taught her everything these last 10 weeks. She currently sleeps with her under her wing.
So now my leghorn has decided she’s broody and is laying on unfertilized eggs since our rooster is working his way through our friends flocks. He’s a beauty and extremely friendly. We do however have fertilized eggs in an incubator and tried to “swap” them under our leghorn but she left them the next morning. Then returned when we took it back and then layed another to sit on. Do they know the difference? Any thoughts on whether we can make this work for her?
They don't know the difference. My broody started out sitting on wooden eggs. Then real eggs as they were laid in the community nest box near her; she'd just roll them into her nest of fake eggs.
How long has your LH been broody? How long was she off the nest when you put the egg(s) in from the incubator? How warm is it where you are? She needs to show that she is committed to the task at hand.
My broody is a PBR. She lays lighter brown eggs. I gave her 2 white, 1 blue and 1 darker brown egg to set. She didn't care and hatched 3 of the 4.
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If anyone has any advice I’m open! We currently have a broody silkie who hatched our leghorns egg. She has raised her and taught her everything these last 10 weeks. She currently sleeps with her under her wing.
So now my leghorn has decided she’s broody and is laying on unfertilized eggs since our rooster is working his way through our friends flocks. He’s a beauty and extremely friendly. We do however have fertilized eggs in an incubator and tried to “swap” them under our leghorn but she left them the next morning. Then returned when we took it back and then layed another to sit on. Do they know the difference? Any thoughts on whether we can make this work for her?
They don't know the difference. It's been my experience that Leghorns aren't the best broodies, so wait until she's been sitting for a few days and swap the eggs when she's off the nest eating.
They don't know the difference. My broody started out sitting on wooden eggs. Then real eggs as they were laid in the community nest box near her; she'd just roll them into her nest of fake eggs.
How long has your LH been broody? How long was she off the nest when you put the egg(s) in from the incubator? How warm is it where you are? She needs to show that she is committed to the task at hand.
My broody is a PBR. She lays lighter brown eggs. I gave her 2 white, 1 blue and 1 darker brown egg to set. She didn't care and hatched 3 of the 4.
She’s only been broody two weeks. We actually slipped the eggs under her and removed unfertilized ones. It’s 90 degrees here give or take a few degrees. We will try again and see. Thank you!

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