confused about eggs, sleeping, feathers...


8 Years
May 13, 2011
I have a SLW who is a little over 7 months old. I had given up hope that any of my girls were going to lay this year b/c there is barely any light. But last Sunday when I was cleaning out their coop I saw 2 eggs! I figured out that it was my SLW. She has also be limping for quite some time... a couple months now, but still seems to be eating and getting around just fine, just a little slower than the others. I don't get to see my girls during the week b/c it's dark when I leave for and return from work each day. Tonight I went out to check on the girls and noticed that there was no egg... (she's been consistently laying since Sunday), that she wasn't roosting but was instead sitting in the corner (couldn't tell if she was trying to lay or just more comfortable there b/c of her leg), and now some of her neck feathers are gone (no blood). Is it possible that she's started laying and is now starting to molt all at once? A co-worker of mine said her chickens are molting now, too. I worry about her being cold, although she seemed fine.

Can anyone shed some light on the above concerns?

Thank you.
When they start laying they wont lay constantly until there body is used to it. Where at on her neck are they missing from? Also hens usually stop laying when they molt, but i think she is alittle to young for her first adult molt and old to molt off her younger feathers.
That I could see in the dark, it's the front of her neck where a good portion are missing. Tonight is the first time I've seen her since Sunday evening. It looks like clean skin.
I couldn't really see. I didn't want to shine the flashlight too brightly in her eyes. I'll have to really check her over on Saturday when I'm home. I hope it's something normal, but I worry about her going through a molt when it's cold.

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