Confused about when to feed what... haha!

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9 Years
Mar 24, 2010
New Bern, NC
We have 3 RIR and 3 black sex links that are now 9 weeks old. They have been on Southern States brand Start-n-Grow. We are nearing the end of the bag and from what I read they should be moved on to a grower/developer type feed now.

We would eventually like to feed whole grains that we mix ourselves, and we've come across several recipes for adult layers. The only thing I have found for youngsters is homemade chick starter (found here) although it doesn't say what age to stop feeding it.

Can anyone help me find a recipe adequate for my flock (which contains one rooster, if that makes any difference)?

((BTW, simple is good... many of the online recipes we have come across include ingredients we have no clue where to get!))

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