Confused again


In the Brooder
Apr 21, 2016
Hi all, I asked a question a few months ago regarding my BO gender and you all convinced me they were all pullets, but recently one of my lovely 'girls' is starting to make a new noise 'she' makes a sort of laughing sound (new chicken mum) and is rather loud. 'She' is also rather bullyish to my other 2 girls who are very chilled and laid back but she seems to be nippy, and feisty could this be a sign of being a roo? Any advice greatly appreciated I know I haven't got much longer to wait before they start laying if they all lay they're 16 weeks old now.

Thank you

Doris the one I'm confused about

Munch my biggest girl

And Dolly my smallest no concerns for her x
At this age, you should be able to tell by the hackle (neck) feathers. Pullets will have a rounded feather. Cockerels will have pointed feathers. I've included a photo that I found in a quick Google search to try and show you the difference. It isn't the greatest photo, but it shows the basics.

She could be practising her egg song. Is it like a few short 'syllables' then a longer one that goes upward in tone? (Hopefully you get what I mean). Some girls do that before they start laying. Another sign they will be laying soon is if they squat when you go to pat them or are above them.

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