Congratulations Chickerdoodle13

Oh, thank you all! You guys are so thoughtful and making me tear with joy!
My family and I just got back a couple of hours ago and I finally had a chance to check the computer after unloading the car of all my stuff.

I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day. We had sun, a smooth and gorgeous ceremony, and I was able to share the day with my mom, dad, brother, and uncle (And my uncle's new dog he is adopting from a rescue where I volunteered!)

I was THRILLED to find out I graduated Magna Cum Laude and with program distinction in Biology! I got a grey cord to wear around my neck and a cool second tassle for my hat with blue in it!

When I got home, my parents surprised me with a gorgeous TV stand my dad made himself. It was just such a happy (and teary!) day! Definitely a bittersweet feeling, but I am looking forward for things to come!

Here is a picture my friend took today. I haven't gotten around to uploading the others my mom took, but I will post them when I do!

Awe, thank you SL!

I can't believe how fast the time has gone! I'm really looking forward to starting a new life on the west coast and continuing to learn at my new job!

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