Connecticut Chicken Stock

C'mon Spring!!!!
He's still a sweet little baby (around 12 weeks). Soon he'll get his evil

"Stupid" (the name of one of my silkies, long story), just bit me the other night. I didn't even realize he was trying to be evil 'cause I was wearing gloves. Silly boy.
I would love if someone has an incubator I could borrow. I want to hatch some Japanese bantams with a hatch date in late April. I'll post in the buy, sell, trade too, but I thought one of my CTBYCers might be able to help first!!
Hi PC,
Are you in the area Sat or are you making a trip for little ol' me? I'm working until 12:30, but I could scoot home briefly if you're coming by. I've never been to Durham, but I've seen signs for it and some people from work are from there--it's probably not far at all. I don't need an incubator anytime soon. If I get PC or Tiffany's incubator sooner rather than later, you know I'll try to hatch my eggs and then I'll have too many chickens!! (again).
I can make a trip Saturday or I can drop it off sometime during the week.
Saturday's schedule is crazy. Do you have any eggs yet? You can start
with some quail eggs I have.
My girls are laying 5 a day again.

If you have the 25th off me and Drum can come help you set it up.

Order up some eggies!!

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