
Oh I should add...

She is a giant now...we compare her to a turkey or a small compact car. Still hides in the corner some days though. Pecking orders are a *****.

*Baby is my avatar*
Yes you need to have as many colors as possible!!!!

I personally have Black, Blue, Splash, White, Buff, Lavender, and two secret project colors

One of my Orpies is named Baby. She got picked on quite a bit when we first got her and we were always saying "No one puts Baby in the corner" so it kind of stuck.


I have lavender, black and buff Orpingtons....really I need to round out the color wheel no?
nice 2 new secret colors cant wait.i am hoping one of our whites will throw the cuckoo gene then we can breed the lemon,blue,black an lavender cucoo's lol

Yes you need to have as many colors as possible!!!!

I personally have Black, Blue, Splash, White, Buff, Lavender, and two secret project colors

Hey CT people! I'm originally from CT - then moved all around and am in NY!

My family is still in CT and I need to plan a baby shower for my sister who is due in April. Could anyone recommend any places (restaurant or hall) near Stamford/Greenwich/Norwalk?

Much appreciated! If I leave this up to my mom it will be some old school Italian thing in someone's living room, and after my sister's bridal shower - I just don't want to do that again. There's only so much baked ziti one can eat.

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