
Everyone, stay as cool as possible. I friend has a Roo with heat stroke recovering inside the house right now and it scared me straight. I've put ice in everyones water, providing cold grapes or yogurt now and then, just made a shallow wading pool for them to step in, but so far no takers.
My knee-jerk was speckled sussex too. Such a pretty coloration!

Hi Sara!
You picked a... good week to sweat your butt of while moving! Drink more water!
My knee-jerk was speckled sussex too. Such a pretty coloration!

Hi Sara!
You picked a... good week to sweat your butt of while moving! Drink more water!
UGH! it's an awful time to move! lol But its got to get done in the next 3 days due to me having to have hernia surgery on tuesday! :(
my kids and chix are going to get a lot of quality time over the next 6 weeks. lol

Are everyones chickens panting like crazy?? I have iced down the water and given them some cold leaf lettuce with yogurt and my girls just wont stop panting. :(

To top it off, I just cleaned their coop and put some fresh pine shavings in there mixed with some food grade DE. They are now ******! I normally have alfalfa in the coop but i was beginning to wonder if the alfalfa was accentuating the bitter smell of the chicken waste. So I switched it over after reading and reading and reading about what would be good bedding. Maybe the dust freaked them out? I dunno. They all refused to leave the coop while i was cleaning it out, so i cleaned and refreshed around them. I'll chalk it up to teenage attitudes. lol
Hey Connecticut,

How are everyone's chickens doing in the heat?? We had one yesterday that we thought was not going to make it, I placed her feet in
cool water, and she did perk up. My husband put a fan outside the run with ice in front of it to help cool them off. This Am she is fine along with the other two, but we are concerned due to the expected high heat again today.

Has anyone had any problems with Blue seal organic life pellets, the last bag I got (50lb) back in May; there seems to be alot of little corn pieces in it, and their egg shells are not as hard. Easy to crack, and we have had several no shell, and several very soft (touch and it breaks)shell lately. They do have calcium available to them in a cup hanging in the run. I will be needing a new bag this week, and I am concerned about buying another bag of it.

It has been a while since I visited BYC. I notice a lot of advertising popping up here, I find it annoying when you are trying to read something and there is motion that is catching your eyes off to the side. Is there a way to turn them off??--------->
Hey Connecticut,

How are everyone's chickens doing in the heat?? We had one yesterday that we thought was not going to make it, I placed her feet in
cool water, and she did perk up. My husband put a fan outside the run with ice in front of it to help cool them off. This Am she is fine along with the other two, but we are concerned due to the expected high heat again today.

Has anyone had any problems with Blue seal organic life pellets, the last bag I got (50lb) back in May; there seems to be alot of little corn pieces in it, and their egg shells are not as hard. Easy to crack, and we have had several no shell, and several very soft (touch and it breaks)shell lately. They do have calcium available to them in a cup hanging in the run. I will be needing a new bag this week, and I am concerned about buying another bag of it.

It has been a while since I visited BYC. I notice a lot of advertising popping up here, I find it annoying when you are trying to read something and there is motion that is catching your eyes off to the side. Is there a way to turn them off??--------->

We lost one hen last night, and we think it was due to the heat. We brought her inside and tried to help, but she didn't make it. I am going to try some new tricks today, in hope of helping the others deal better.

We've never bought Blue Seal Organic. We always get Green Mountain organic and haven't had any problems with it.

I agree about the ads.
So sorry you lost a bird.

This heat is relentless. Cold yogurt is a refreshing treat they all love. put a fan in the coop. doing my best for them, but it's hard to know if it's enough.
I hose my run down and the roof of the coop acouple times a day and it seems to really help keep them cool, and I fill there holes with water because they really like digging and dust bathing in the damp soil. Also give them cold fruits and frozen veggies

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