
Here is our haul from the last few days- one of our Americuanas started laying today- so now we have 4 out of 5 hens laying. (RSL, RIR, BR, and Ameracuana) - Yay! 3 of the chicks are still laying pullet eggs.
Went in there Sat for food - nice store and good prices! So nice not to have to drive 30 min for feed/supplies anymore.

Blue Seal Home Fresh Grow & Show was 17.99 and I think I paid 19.99 at Benedicts. They didn't have a 25lb bag and I just needed it for one pullet so I got a 25lb bag of Home Fresh Multi-flock which I think was 10.99. They have Layena, etc, too. I asked about organic but the girls said they had just opened and she was sure it could be ordered. Their dog food was mainly high end - cheapest was a couple of bags of Iams. I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem to get organic chicken feed there. Great selection of horse stuff too - even bridles. Told them I wish they'd been around when we still had horses! They also had deer feed and other misc. stuff, plus work clothes like jeans, etc. Very nice store. Hope they do very well.
Now I have what is probably a dumb question. When pullets start laying do they lay every day or skip a day? I know I have 3 brown eggers laying and 2 green eggers laying but only getting 3-4 eggs a day. Only one pullet has been regular for the last week and the others are new in the last several days. Today we had 3 brown eggs and one green - missing a green who had her first egg on Sat. On Sun we were missing a brown egg.

No dumb questions here. How many they lay depends on the breed, but even the breeds that are the best layers take a day off every few days. What do you have?
Now I have what is probably a dumb question. When pullets start laying do they lay every day or skip a day? I know I have 3 brown eggers laying and 2 green eggers laying but only getting 3-4 eggs a day. Only one pullet has been regular for the last week and the others are new in the last several days. Today we had 3 brown eggs and one green - missing a green who had her first egg on Sat. On Sun we were missing a brown egg.

No dumb questions here. How many they lay depends on the breed, but even the breeds that are the best layers take a day off every few days. What do you have?

The brown egg layers are at least 2 of the 3 red sex link - possibly a silver laced wyandotte who is very "red" but I haven't caught her in the act so it could be the 3rd red six link - the 2 young roosters gravitate towards them. The other 2 are Easter Eggers. The red sex link are 19 weeks as is one of the EE's that I know is laying. The other EE I know is laying is 20 weeks and that Wyandatte is also 20 weeks.
The brown egg layers are at least 2 of the 3 red sex link - possibly a silver laced wyandotte who is very "red" but I haven't caught her in the act so it could be the 3rd red six link - the 2 young roosters gravitate towards them. The other 2 are Easter Eggers. The red sex link are 19 weeks as is one of the EE's that I know is laying. The other EE I know is laying is 20 weeks and that Wyandatte is also 20 weeks.
All good layers. You'll eventually get a sense of what to expect from them. For instance, my 2 year old Orp might take every 5th day off, but my 3 year old EEs might take off every 3rd day. It's tricky to tell who is doing what if you have many birds that lay eggs the same color. A coop cam helps allot for that!

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