Consolidated Kansas

If I were you, I would just save it as a memento for your unborn baby. My children love seeing and owning foreign money, even now as teens. And the story of how you found it is some type of Godwink, I think you just don't know why that bill found you yet.

I completely agree. Very strange indeed. Yesterday was just a really weird day for me.

A mystery indeed. A rather bizarre one if you ask me. Why would someone leave a Euro in a brand new shirt pocket???

Thank you for the suggestion! Sadly, I called the bank, and they said that I'd get about $6.40 but would have to pay $5 in fees, so I'd only get about $1.40 back. So, now I have to decide if I want to keep it as a memento to the random things that happen to me or if I want to take it to the bank and pay the fee because $1.40 of free money is still free money. :)
Okay so this isnt chicken related but I was wondering your thoughts. If you were to babysit 4 boys ages 5 months, 4, 5 and 7 years old. hours from 9-4 3 days a week how much would you charge? I have been babysitting 3 of the the babyand the 4 and 5 year old. I thought i was cheap at 30 a day, today the 7 year old is out of school and brought him today and the family expects to keep paying 30 a day, and then mentioned they have a friend who babysits when i cant and only charges 20 a day for ALL of them. what are your thoughts.

That is ridiculous pay! If that was daycare they would be paying at least $30 a day each child. I guess it depends on how much you need the money.
Jhammett~~~ what are you looking for? Lots of us on here have hatching eggs, but besides hatching eggs some of us have pure bred chicks for sale. Myself, I have wheaten ameracana, black ameraucana, easter eggs, in large fowl. In bantams, I have partridge wyandottes, black white creasted polish, and rosecombs. I do have hatching eggs, but shipping is so hard on some of them, that you will not get a real good hatch. Post so everybody know what you are looking for and I am sure someone has what you want.
sounds good what do chicks sell for and how close to Wichita are you i am not from here so not familiar with the surrounding towns
My dad used to say that the lottery was a tax on the math impaired.

"He he. No, I learned a long time ago that gambling is a good way to LOSE money.

Your dad is a smart man! I learned back in college, when I was on the horse judging team. We went to the Churchill Downs race track (where the Kentucky Derby is run, but we went on an average run-of-the-mill weekday). Our coach was familiar with one of the jockeys and knew that this particular jockey didn't ride on any other track, and had been in the top 3 a large majority of the time in recent races (not just that same day). I watched a couple of that jockey's races that day and then placed a bet on him to place in the top 3 in a race. That was the only race that day that he didn't place in the top three - he placed 4th.

If I were you, I would just save it as a memento for your unborn baby. My children love seeing and owning foreign money, even now as teens. And the story of how you found it is some type of Godwink, I think you just don't know why that bill found you yet.
My husband thought I should save it as well, so I guess that's what I'm going to do.
Have you all seen this:

With the proposed additional fees if they get it passed it's going to make it harder for all of us to order any chicks from the hatcheries or anywhere for that matter. Please everybody go to the link & write your letter, we all need to voice our opinion of this rate hike. I just found out about it today. If they get this through it's going to be much more expensive than it already is to buy any shipped birds.
The problem with the Postal Service is poor management. The United States Postal Service does not transport the mail; they only process and deliver at the delivery address. The UPS and FedEx have the contracts to transport the majority of the mail. Flat rate shipping follows FedEx guidelines. Only a moron would hire their competitors to handle their product and expect their comp editors to do a better job for them than the competitors do for themselves. And with customers doing most of the processing on-line, the USPS cuts their cost by eliminating local jobs. FedEx started in 1971 when the U.S. Postal Department became the USPS. The Management for the new USPS said they could make it work if they didn't have a large volume of parcels. They said First Class mail was what would make it profitable. Well you still can not fax or Email a pair of shoes or any other package and with the loss of letter writing and bill paying and direct deposits they have no recourse except to raise rates. Poor Management from the start.
deb516 ~ Call around as if you need a sitter and check out the local prices. So much can create a difference,, in price - if the home is registered or not, what age they are registered for, what kind of extra, if any, services they offer. Many places would not even accept the 5 month old. That is a lot of kids to get into one day care and a wide age range.

My DD pays by the week, per child, if they are there or not. She works part time, so they are not there every day. But the provider has to have the spot open for them.
I am in Valley Center. I have RIR but am open to others not picky I am selling yard eggs at farmers market (or atleast that is the goal when they start laying. Americanas would add diversity but i have no preference

sounds good what do chicks sell for and how close to Wichita are you i am not from here so not familiar with the surrounding towns

Checoukan is in Columbus, almost to the border of KS & MO. jhammett, I also have chicks for sale right now & am closer to you. I come to Wichita fairly often, so maybe we could meet if you're interested in chicks I have. Right now I have lots of Speckled Sussex & Salmon Faverolles. I also have a few black Ameraucana chicks & tomorrow hopefully will be hatching some Barred Rocks from the Good Shephard Turkey Ranch. These Barred Rocks aren't hatchery birds, they're from his breeding stock & are much different. Send me a PM if you're interested in anything & we'll see what we can work out.
I'm very mad something last night dug a hole under my coop and killed 4 of my birds X( 2 Easter eggers (I wasn't fond of them much) 1 cross breed (she was ok) and my very favorite blue polish hen. I suspect a coon or possum because it only ate the heads and left the bodys. The nice farmer dawn the rode gave my family a trap to catch whatever killed them. He did that last year because something ate all but 1 of my chickens and in 4 days its the anniversary of there death. So I'm preety mad X(
I'm very mad something last night dug a hole under my coop and killed 4 of my birds X( 2 Easter eggers (I wasn't fond of them much) 1 cross breed (she was ok) and my very favorite blue polish hen. I suspect a coon or possum because it only ate the heads and left the bodys. The nice farmer dawn the rode gave my family a trap to catch whatever killed them. He did that last year because something ate all but 1 of my chickens and in 4 days its the anniversary of there death. So I'm preety mad X(
That sucks! I had a fox get in my pen and kill three of mine about a month ago. I lost two young Swedish Flower Chickens and a Frizzle Bantam Cochin and I loved them. All you can do is keep trying.

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