Consolidated Kansas

Well I also had a chicken get heat stroke yesterday, I went to the grocery store & to run an errand & came back to find my Ancona hen laying beside the main coop run in bad shape. I brought her in & gave her a cool bath & let her lay in the bathtub downstairs. She was really out of it when I first brought her in, she was limp & drooling. After about 3 hours she was able to sit up & control her head. Today she is still in the bathtub but hasn't tried to get out of there. She seems better, but still not back to normal. I hope she recovers because she is one of my best layers of big white eggs. She is a black hen so that may have contributed to her getting overheated I don't know. We have lots of shade here so I don't know why she was where she was unless she had gotten overheated in the coop & then didn't make it far. Anyway, I gave her some gatorade because my DH has that around all the time since he runs. I figured that would help give her some electrolytes, I just didn't have time to make up anything else since she needed something right away. I need to make up some powder to keep around, I just haven't gotten it done.

It's really cloudy here today & cooler thank goodness. We haven't gotten any rain so far, but somebody around us is & that is helping our temp here at least. The chickens are glad for a break I'm sure. The goats have seemed a little more frisky today too, they must be happy about not having it be 104 today too.

I've got to get out in a bit & work on my duck pen, it's just been way too hot the last few days to work on it. I need to get it finished once & for all, it's been sitting there almost done now for over a week.

My Red Star hens I got a week ago have been doing really well. I have been surprised that they have been laying every since they got here after being moved & put in a small pen. I have gotten 3 eggs most days from 4 hens. They sure want out of there bad, I have to fight them every time I open the door to feed or water they try to get out. I don't blame them, I hope to let them out soon so they can join my laying flock.
The coloration is amazingly similar. Feather color patterns must cross breed lines. I know there are numerous breeds that have (for instance) lacing.
This is Chickzilla. All boy, I think. 1/3 bigger than his hatchmates.

Tried to get a picture of a feather. Not a clear success. Enlarge it for a better look (Please ignore the damaged finger (didn't use rubber gloves while canning and I'm peeling).

Copper is the chick at the back. Hoping for a girl. Chickzilla at the front. I think dad was a BO for both.

Comments on gender? Anyone? Anyone? Beuhler? Beuhler?

Sharol and Danz - here's chickzilla's twin , any thoughts on parentage ? Any chance she would lay olive eggs ?
I hope everyone is having a great Labor day weekend!

If you don't mind I thought maybe I could post photos again of my chicks. I am pretty sure I have 2 that are boys and I am needed to decide what to do with them, as I still can't put Apple Jack in with them.

here they are! Do you guys still agree that they are probably boys?


Here they are starting each other down


Here are the ones I *believe to be* girls. they are much larger than the other 2.

Here is my poor Mr. Apple Jack, who is still getting picked on. He screams until I go back in there and then he flys to me and on my lap. I tell him they will never look up to him if he keeps doing that
I hope everyone is having a great Labor day weekend!

If you don't mind I thought maybe I could post photos again of my chicks. I am pretty sure I have 2 that are boys and I am needed to decide what to do with them, as I still can't put Apple Jack in with them.

here they are! Do you guys still agree that they are probably boys?


Here they are starting each other down


Here are the ones I *believe to be* girls. they are much larger than the other 2.

Here is my poor Mr. Apple Jack, who is still getting picked on. He screams until I go back in there and then he flys to me and on my lap. I tell him they will never look up to him if he keeps doing that

They do look like they have awfully pink combs for that age, I can't see the neck feathers well enough to tell on that, but I would say they probably are roosters. Apple Jack is a cutie, I would keep him.
They do look like they have awfully pink combs for that age, I can't see the neck feathers well enough to tell on that, but I would say they probably are roosters. Apple Jack is a cutie, I would keep him.
I love apply jack. I plan on keeping him as long as we can. Since we are in the city we are not supposed to have roosters. I know one block away they have one, and my parents hear them by their house, so I guess its just if you want to break the rules....which for him I do, but I don't want to get into trouble.
This is Chickzilla. All boy, I think. 1/3 bigger than his hatchmates.

Tried to get a picture of a feather. Not a clear success. Enlarge it for a better look (Please ignore the damaged finger (didn't use rubber gloves while canning and I'm peeling).

Copper is the chick at the back. Hoping for a girl. Chickzilla at the front. I think dad was a BO for both.

Comments on gender? Anyone? Anyone? Beuhler? Beuhler?

Sharol and Danz - here's chickzilla's twin , any thoughts on parentage ? Any chance she would lay olive eggs ?
I am going to say one of her parents was a favorelle. Check to see if she has 5 toes on either foot. She looks like she has a muff though. Looks like maybe her Mom was a wellsummer judging by the partridge look.
I hope everyone is having a great Labor day weekend!

If you don't mind I thought maybe I could post photos again of my chicks. I am pretty sure I have 2 that are boys and I am needed to decide what to do with them, as I still can't put Apple Jack in with them.

here they are! Do you guys still agree that they are probably boys?

Here they are starting each other down

Here are the ones I *believe to be* girls. they are much larger than the other 2.


Not sure
Here is my poor Mr. Apple Jack, who is still getting picked on. He screams until I go back in there and then he flys to me and on my lap. I tell him they will never look up to him if he keeps doing that

They do look like they have awfully pink combs for that age, I can't see the neck feathers well enough to tell on that, but I would say they probably are roosters. Apple Jack is a cutie, I would keep him.
It was cool out but it's stifling hot and humid. Been working on a freezer. DH found the faulty part and it is no longer made. I think he got it functioning though. He just needs to put it back on and see if it works. I found an after market part that is the same so I think I'll order it to have on hand. Nothing like having old appliances and not being able to get parts for them any more
I love apply jack. I plan on keeping him as long as we can. Since we are in the city we are not supposed to have roosters. I know one block away they have one, and my parents hear them by their house, so I guess its just if you want to break the rules....which for him I do, but I don't want to get into trouble.
I agree with Trish about the boys and I do think those last two are girls. The way it works....the law says you can't have roosters but Animal Control doesn't patrol looking for people who have them illegally. They only respond to complaints. So, if you neighbors have a rooster and no one has complained, they can keep him - until someone new moves into the neighborhood and complains, and the AC will stop by and cite them. You can try your luck, or better yet, go around and talk to all of your neighbors and ask them if they will mind when he starts crowing. But, keep in mind that all it takes is to have a falling out with a neighbor, or have one of them start third shift and get tired of their daytime sleep being interrupted by crowing, or have a house sell and new neighbors move in who don't like it will have to get rid of him. Typically they will start with a stern note telling you you have an illegal rooster and have X amount of time to comply. Usually the amount of time is short - 24-72 hours. Then there is a daily fine for every day you are illegal after the "grace period". The fine keeps going up until such time as you have rehomed the rooster.

It was cool out but it's stifling hot and humid. Been working on a freezer. DH found the faulty part and it is no longer made. I think he got it functioning though. He just needs to put it back on and see if it works. I found an after market part that is the same so I think I'll order it to have on hand. Nothing like having old appliances and not being able to get parts for them any more
It was lovely this morning, wasn't it? Its amazing what a difference those 10 degrees between 98 and 88 make! I got on my mower, planning to do just the back of the house but then kept doing a bit more and a bit more. I kept thinking the sun was going to come out and it would be too hot to be out in the open on the mower but it never happened so I wound up getting the entire place mowed. Its only a little over a week since I last did it but the grasses are trying really hard to get their seed heads up at the moment and even the grass itself had grown a couple of inches since I last did it.
Unfortunately she didn't make it. I'm glad I did what I could. I don't know how long she was stuck under that wire. We are going to get rid of that spot as soon as we can. The rest seem to be doing ok. I keep the water on w a leaky hose that they always have fresh cold water during the day & a pan in the coop at night. Thx for the reply.
I feel for you, mamau. It's HARD when you try everything to save one of your birds, and she doesn't make it. We dealt with that this summer with some of our 4 H birds. Luckily we were able to save one of them, and now she seems to be the head hen in the coop. She got used to us giving her treats (cool strawberries and melon in a Gatorade/water mixture) when she was getting better in the AC. Now she's the first one to the "treat" pan and will jump a foot in the air to take a bite of melon from your hand. Not bad for a large Langshan who almost died 2 months ago!
mamau It's hard to loose chickens but we all do at some time. The heat in my opinion is way worse than the cold for them. I've never had a chicken die from the heat when they were free ranging. It is always the ones in the pens or the broody hens that refuse to leave to cool down. But then we can't let our birds all run most of the time. I've often thought how much nicer it would be if I just had one breed and not worry about interbreeding. But that won't happen with me. I am too spoiled to my eye candy.

I've had a sore throat for two days and now getting a cough. I'm confused. I would have thought it was a normal sinus infection but I haven't had any abnormal sinus issues. My throat is really hurting and I don't have time to be sick. It's too early for flu season. I noticed it was pleasantly cool out this morning. I may actually have to turn on some heat in the brooder at night.

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