Consolidated Kansas

Tweety sorry you had such a busy weekend. Your job sure commands a lot of your time.
I can't imagine going back to a time without internet or cell phones. I would be disconnected from the rest of the world. I'd probably get a lot more done in reality but I would also know a lot less. I don't enjoy talking on the phone because it ties me up but it sure is nice to make phone calls or send texts without long distance charges. Because of where I live my closest neighbors would be a long distance phone call.
I've been really sick. I had this stupid tooth that got loosened at my last dental appointment, and then it got infected and abcessed. My jaw was really swollen and I was having to take pain meds every couple hours. I never take pain meds. I nearly blacked out a couple times from pain. I hadn't been able to sleep for a couple nights and was just really sick from it.
I got hold of the Dentist and drove to Emporia yesterday and he managed to get it pulled. He said it was really infected and gave me antibiotics as well. Last night was rough but not nearly as bad as the previous couple of them. I even think the swelling is down a tiny bit this morning. I'm still not feeling good but at least I am starting to feel semi-human. A couple more days of antibiotics should do wonders. Looks like I am going to have a nice bruise on my face from all the swelling. It looks like I am holding a golf ball in my cheek.
I had a gal come get a hatch I did of 15 black orpington chicks last night. I let her come here because I wasn't feeling good and she currently didn't have chickens. She was sure doing the happy dance when she saw those breeders. She was super excited about getting them. It was a little pay day for me as well although I sold them cheap because of the large quantity.
I had another buyer who had spoke for 25 various color orpington chicks as well as two English orpington chicks. I even made her a good price of $150 on the domestic orps and $50 on the two English. I wrote her yesterday to tell her I had them for her and she acted like she had no idea what I was talking about. I have at least 15 emails from her asking for them and discussing them. When I wrote her back and attached her emails she hasn't bothered to answer me. Why do people do this sort of thing? I try to be fair and sell chicks in the order they are asked for. I have turned down other buyers because I was trying to fill this order. I just don't know know what to do about fickle buyers that do things like that. I'm afraid if I require a deposit people won't trust me and think I'm just trying to get their money.
I know why I choose to be an island on the farm. People can be such a huge disappointment. Unfortunately I need to sell chicks to pay for this terrible bird habit of mine.
Tweety sorry you had such a busy weekend. Your job sure commands a lot of your time.
I can't imagine going back to a time without internet or cell phones. I would be disconnected from the rest of the world. I'd probably get a lot  more done in reality but I would also know a lot less. I don't enjoy talking on the phone because it ties me up but it sure is nice to make phone calls or send texts without long distance charges. Because of where I live my closest neighbors would be a long distance phone call.
I've been really sick. I had this stupid tooth that got loosened at my last dental appointment, and then it got infected and abcessed. My jaw was really swollen and I was having to take pain meds every couple hours. I never take pain meds. I nearly blacked out a couple times from pain. I hadn't been able to sleep for a couple nights and was just really sick from it.
I got hold of the Dentist and drove to Emporia yesterday and he managed to get it pulled. He said it was really infected and gave me antibiotics as well. Last night was rough but not nearly as bad as the previous couple of them. I even think the swelling is down a tiny bit this morning. I'm still not feeling good but at least I am starting to feel semi-human. A couple more days of antibiotics should do wonders. Looks like I am going to have  a nice bruise on my face from all the swelling. It looks like I am holding a golf ball in my cheek.
I had a gal come get a hatch I did of 15 black orpington chicks last night. I let her come here because I wasn't feeling good and she currently didn't have chickens. She was sure doing the happy dance when she saw those breeders. She was super excited about getting them. It was a little pay day for me as well although I sold them cheap because of the large quantity.
I had another buyer who had spoke for 25 various color orpington chicks as well as two English orpington chicks. I even made her a good price of $150 on the domestic orps and $50 on the two English. I wrote her yesterday to tell her I had them for her and she acted like she had no idea what I was talking about. I have at least 15  emails from her asking for them and discussing them.  When I wrote her back and attached her emails she hasn't bothered to answer me. Why do people do this sort of thing? I try to be fair and sell chicks in the order they are asked for.  I have turned down other buyers because I was trying to fill this order. I just don't know know what to do about fickle buyers that do things like that. I'm afraid if I require a deposit people won't trust me and think I'm just trying to get their money.
I know why I choose to be an island on the farm. People can be such a huge disappointment. Unfortunately I need to sell chicks to pay for this terrible bird habit of mine.
When people special order things I think they should give a deposit. It shows that they are serious about their investment. I have never sold chicks myself, I'm new to the chicken world. But on the business aspect, they should respect you and if they decided to change their mind, they should have notified you ASAP! Sometimes the things we sell is our means of supporting our families and we depend on that money. I used to sell things on craigslist but gave up because people aren't dependable. They say they are on their way, and never show up. Sorry that you had a hard time. And the infected tooth, I've been there before. Just want someone to take u out back and shoot you in the head to put you out of your misery. Glad the dentist was able to extract the tooth so fast. Normally they want you on antibiotics a few days first.
My dentist told me that in the "old days" they always put people on a regime of antibiotics for several days but with the new pain meds they can now extract the tooth right away which opens it up to drain faster. I had had one previous experience where I was put on antibiotics for a week or so before the tooth was worked on about 30 years ago. He had to add extra meds to deaden it but it came out really easily once it was deadened.
The worst part was I called the office Friday desperate for some help and got a recording they would be back in on Monday. So I suffered all weekend. He told me yesterday he was in the phone book and if I ever needed emergent care to call him at home and he would either meet me or call me in a script. I wish I had known that. It would have saved me an entire weekend of being really sick.
I don't know what I'm going to do about chicks. I have a list of people wanting things and I try to be fair. I am going to hatch the pricy birds regardless but when I miss sales to fill a large order that really hurts me. People think I am a full fledged hatchery I guess and I can just produce 25 chicks of the breed they want on the spot. Kind of hard to do when I have have a small handful of hens of each breed/color.
I had a bit of a scare today. I was missing one of my geese. I locked the rest of the birds back in the pen while I went looking for the missing bird. I found her nesting in some tall weeds just outside the yard. She had two eggs in the nest with her... one of them was obviously freshly laid. I guess it is time to keep a close eye on my birds - not just because of the coyotes we keep seeing but also because the geese tend to stray quite a bit farther from the house when they are looking for a good, safe spot to lay their eggs. They are also quite possessive of their nests and don't just lay the eggs and walk away like my ducks do.
My dentist told me that in the "old days" they always put people on a regime of antibiotics for several days but with the new pain meds they can now extract the tooth right away which opens it up to drain faster. I had had one previous experience where I was put on antibiotics for a week or so before the tooth was worked on about 30 years ago. He had to add extra meds to deaden it but it came out really easily once it was deadened.
The worst part was I called the office Friday desperate for some help and got a recording they would be back in on Monday. So I suffered all weekend. He told me yesterday he was in the phone book and if I ever needed emergent care to call him at home and he would either meet me or call me in a script. I wish I had known that. It would have saved me an entire weekend of being really sick.
I don't know what I'm going to do about chicks. I have a list of people wanting things and I try to be fair. I am going to hatch the pricy birds regardless but when I miss sales to fill a large order that really hurts me. People think I am a full fledged hatchery I guess and I can just produce 25 chicks of the breed they want on the spot. Kind of hard to do when I have have a small handful of hens of each breed/color.
I know exactly what you mean Danz, I have people tell me they want chicks & go on my waiting list & then when I have them they back out, it's really aggravating. Either that or people contact me & ask if I have chicks of a certain kind & then when I answer them they just don't respond again. I'm with you, if I could sell chicks without dealing with people I would be happier.

I had a bit of a scare today. I was missing one of my geese. I locked the rest of the birds back in the pen while I went looking for the missing bird. I found her nesting in some tall weeds just outside the yard. She had two eggs in the nest with her... one of them was obviously freshly laid. I guess it is time to keep a close eye on my birds - not just because of the coyotes we keep seeing but also because the geese tend to stray quite a bit farther from the house when they are looking for a good, safe spot to lay their eggs. They are also quite possessive of their nests and don't just lay the eggs and walk away like my ducks do.
Do you have a place to shut her in with her eggs? With those predators out there a bird sitting on a nest is a sitting duck so to speak. That's how a couple people on here lost birds when they went to an unsafe place to nest.

I got my lavender Ameraucana chicks from the post office this morning, they sure were yelling loudly when I got there, I think the people in there were glad they were leaving. I have them all safely in the brooder now & they have had a drink of water. These didn't come from too far away, so they were just mailed yesterday. They still were ready to get out of that box though.

It sure is cool out there today, a big contrast to yesterday. I had planned to go out & start working on cleaning my main coop, but now I'm having second thoughts because the wind is pretty cool out there & it's cloudy. I guess we have rain coming later. We can use the rain, but it sure messes with my cleaning the coop plans.
Tweety sorry you had such a busy weekend. Your job sure commands a lot of your time.
I can't imagine going back to a time without internet or cell phones. I would be disconnected from the rest of the world. I'd probably get a lot more done in reality but I would also know a lot less. I don't enjoy talking on the phone because it ties me up but it sure is nice to make phone calls or send texts without long distance charges. Because of where I live my closest neighbors would be a long distance phone call.
I've been really sick. I had this stupid tooth that got loosened at my last dental appointment, and then it got infected and abcessed. My jaw was really swollen and I was having to take pain meds every couple hours. I never take pain meds. I nearly blacked out a couple times from pain. I hadn't been able to sleep for a couple nights and was just really sick from it.
I got hold of the Dentist and drove to Emporia yesterday and he managed to get it pulled. He said it was really infected and gave me antibiotics as well. Last night was rough but not nearly as bad as the previous couple of them. I even think the swelling is down a tiny bit this morning. I'm still not feeling good but at least I am starting to feel semi-human. A couple more days of antibiotics should do wonders. Looks like I am going to have a nice bruise on my face from all the swelling. It looks like I am holding a golf ball in my cheek.
I had a gal come get a hatch I did of 15 black orpington chicks last night. I let her come here because I wasn't feeling good and she currently didn't have chickens. She was sure doing the happy dance when she saw those breeders. She was super excited about getting them. It was a little pay day for me as well although I sold them cheap because of the large quantity.
I had another buyer who had spoke for 25 various color orpington chicks as well as two English orpington chicks. I even made her a good price of $150 on the domestic orps and $50 on the two English. I wrote her yesterday to tell her I had them for her and she acted like she had no idea what I was talking about. I have at least 15 emails from her asking for them and discussing them. When I wrote her back and attached her emails she hasn't bothered to answer me. Why do people do this sort of thing? I try to be fair and sell chicks in the order they are asked for. I have turned down other buyers because I was trying to fill this order. I just don't know know what to do about fickle buyers that do things like that. I'm afraid if I require a deposit people won't trust me and think I'm just trying to get their money.
I know why I choose to be an island on the farm. People can be such a huge disappointment. Unfortunately I need to sell chicks to pay for this terrible bird habit of mine.

Danz, sometimes I wonder why I like to be alone and not be bothered by people and your posts solidifies the reason for me. I don't how how people get so "thick skined", asking someone to do something and then turned around either ignore that person or pretended that he/she never requested it. The galls of some people... Where is the respect and understanding? I also don't care for people's sense of entitlement either. Loads of them out there just think they should be paid or get this, that and the other and feel like the world owes them. Sorry on the rant. I just feel for you because like you said, if you request a deposit at the time of order, they will think you are out to get their money. But if you don't, you can't protect yourself.

Sorry about your tooth issue. Tooth infection is one of the worst because you can't eat, sit or sleep. In severe cases, they could even affect and infect your heart! Glad you got it taken care of. I have a great dentist who put his home # on the voice mail when you call the office on the weekend or week nights. But there was 1 time my husband was really in pain and left a vm on his home phone. He didn't call back. Came to find out his son took the message but never relayed it to him. He felt bad about it and didn't charge my husband for whatever he had to do to fix his problem. This was years ago.
Tweety sorry you had such a busy weekend. Your job sure commands a lot of your time.
I can't imagine going back to a time without internet or cell phones. I would be disconnected from the rest of the world. I'd probably get a lot more done in reality but I would also know a lot less. I don't enjoy talking on the phone because it ties me up but it sure is nice to make phone calls or send texts without long distance charges. Because of where I live my closest neighbors would be a long distance phone call.
I've been really sick. I had this stupid tooth that got loosened at my last dental appointment, and then it got infected and abcessed. My jaw was really swollen and I was having to take pain meds every couple hours. I never take pain meds. I nearly blacked out a couple times from pain. I hadn't been able to sleep for a couple nights and was just really sick from it.
I got hold of the Dentist and drove to Emporia yesterday and he managed to get it pulled. He said it was really infected and gave me antibiotics as well. Last night was rough but not nearly as bad as the previous couple of them. I even think the swelling is down a tiny bit this morning. I'm still not feeling good but at least I am starting to feel semi-human. A couple more days of antibiotics should do wonders. Looks like I am going to have a nice bruise on my face from all the swelling. It looks like I am holding a golf ball in my cheek.
I had a gal come get a hatch I did of 15 black orpington chicks last night. I let her come here because I wasn't feeling good and she currently didn't have chickens. She was sure doing the happy dance when she saw those breeders. She was super excited about getting them. It was a little pay day for me as well although I sold them cheap because of the large quantity.
I had another buyer who had spoke for 25 various color orpington chicks as well as two English orpington chicks. I even made her a good price of $150 on the domestic orps and $50 on the two English. I wrote her yesterday to tell her I had them for her and she acted like she had no idea what I was talking about. I have at least 15 emails from her asking for them and discussing them. When I wrote her back and attached her emails she hasn't bothered to answer me. Why do people do this sort of thing? I try to be fair and sell chicks in the order they are asked for. I have turned down other buyers because I was trying to fill this order. I just don't know know what to do about fickle buyers that do things like that. I'm afraid if I require a deposit people won't trust me and think I'm just trying to get their money.
I know why I choose to be an island on the farm. People can be such a huge disappointment. Unfortunately I need to sell chicks to pay for this terrible bird habit of mine.

Yikes! Silly geese, glad you found her. Mine are all locked up in their pens on their nests right now because of this very behavior! Man are they crabby ladies sitting on their nests!
I had a bit of a scare today. I was missing one of my geese. I locked the rest of the birds back in the pen while I went looking for the missing bird. I found her nesting in some tall weeds just outside the yard. She had two eggs in the nest with her... one of them was obviously freshly laid. I guess it is time to keep a close eye on my birds - not just because of the coyotes we keep seeing but also because the geese tend to stray quite a bit farther from the house when they are looking for a good, safe spot to lay their eggs. They are also quite possessive of their nests and don't just lay the eggs and walk away like my ducks do.

Hi Everyone!! I am soooo very far behind, I read a few pages back but not too far. Sharol those chicks are super cute! We are hatching a couple eggs in my incubator for a kindergarten class in Wichita. Went in and candled the eggs yesterday and only had 3 eggs out of 13 going! Yikes, glad we have something though....I guess my couple banty roos are keeping the big brahma boy from getting anything done! The kids loved seeing the eggs candled though, such fun.

Hope you are all well, I need to get some housekeeping done here and get off my behind!
I had a bit of a scare today. I was missing one of my geese. I locked the rest of the birds back in the pen while I went looking for the missing bird. I found her nesting in some tall weeds just outside the yard. She had two eggs in the nest with her... one of them was obviously freshly laid. I guess it is time to keep a close eye on my birds - not just because of the coyotes we keep seeing but also because the geese tend to stray quite a bit farther from the house when they are looking for a good, safe spot to lay their eggs. They are also quite possessive of their nests and don't just lay the eggs and walk away like my ducks do.

Lizzy, did you ever get rid of the sickly looking coyote you posted a pic of a few weeks ago? I think they are out and about a lot more recently because I could hear them howling in the evening. My doctor came by to get his eggs yesterday and mentioned that his dog killed one the other day. He lives just 1/2 mile north of us. He asked if my GPs keep my flock safe and I said "heck yes!". Glad my dogs are patroling the property at night. They have been quite busy lately too.

How's the little munchkin doing? I hope you get some rain soon. I heard that your area desperately needs moisture. It is even dry here and I kept hearing the fire trucks over the weekend fighting wild fire on the pasture. One got really close to us... About 1.5 mile south of us. I got a bit concern since the wind was blowing from the south. But it has to jump across the highway before it got to us though. Still scary nonetheless.
I know exactly what you mean Danz, I have people tell me they want chicks & go on my waiting list & then when I have them they back out, it's really aggravating. Either that or people contact me & ask if I have chicks of a certain kind & then when I answer them they just don't respond again. I'm with you, if I could sell chicks without dealing with people I would be happier.

Do you have a place to shut her in with her eggs? With those predators out there a bird sitting on a nest is a sitting duck so to speak. That's how a couple people on here lost birds when they went to an unsafe place to nest.

I got my lavender Ameraucana chicks from the post office this morning, they sure were yelling loudly when I got there, I think the people in there were glad they were leaving. I have them all safely in the brooder now & they have had a drink of water. These didn't come from too far away, so they were just mailed yesterday. They still were ready to get out of that box though.

It sure is cool out there today, a big contrast to yesterday. I had planned to go out & start working on cleaning my main coop, but now I'm having second thoughts because the wind is pretty cool out there & it's cloudy. I guess we have rain coming later. We can use the rain, but it sure messes with my cleaning the coop plans.

I haven't been out there since I left the house for work this morning. But I think we will start having some rain tonight and continues on till tomorrow. I started the lettuce outside so hopefully it is not too much rain. Don't want the seeds to be washed away. But on the other hand, it has been so dry that we need the moisture. Lots of wild fire around us. I think quite a few were started by people flicking the cigarette butts out the car window and caught the dry pasture on fire along Highway 254. We were hearing the firetruck sirens all day on Sunday.

Glad your chicks arrived healthy. Short distance certainly helps. My confidence in the local post office handling live animals is not too high to say the least.
Do you have a place to shut her in with her eggs? With those predators out there a bird sitting on a nest is a sitting duck so to speak. That's how a couple people on here lost birds when they went to an unsafe place to nest.
My DH wont allow me to raise any more birds... That includes broody raised chicks, goslings, and ducklings. So, I took her eggs from her. I'll just have to watch them closely to make sure they don't leave the property looking for another place to nest.

Yikes! Silly geese, glad you found her. Mine are all locked up in their pens on their nests right now because of this very behavior! Man are they crabby ladies sitting on their nests!
Yes, crabby indeed! I may end up having to lock them up. We'll see. I hate having to lock them up, but I will if they force me into it.

Lizzy, did you ever get rid of the sickly looking coyote you posted a pic of a few weeks ago? I think they are out and about a lot more recently because I could hear them howling in the evening. My doctor came by to get his eggs yesterday and mentioned that his dog killed one the other day. He lives just 1/2 mile north of us. He asked if my GPs keep my flock safe and I said "heck yes!". Glad my dogs are patroling the property at night. They have been quite busy lately too.

How's the little munchkin doing? I hope you get some rain soon. I heard that your area desperately needs moisture. It is even dry here and I kept hearing the fire trucks over the weekend fighting wild fire on the pasture. One got really close to us... About 1.5 mile south of us. I got a bit concern since the wind was blowing from the south. But it has to jump across the highway before it got to us though. Still scary nonetheless.
Not unless Mother Nature took care of him for us. We never managed to see the coyote when we were armed. For all we know, the one I saw last week was the same one... It was too far away to tell for sure. If it was the same one, it is a lot more resilient than I thought because it looked like it was in pretty sad shape when I saw it in the yard, and we have had several cold spells since. I would definitely say that the coyotes are out a lot more. WE've been seeing them pretty regularly recently, which is scary because they've all been relatively close to the house. I don't have GPs. WE do have a "guard dog", but he isn't very good at guarding. He always seems to be sleeping on the job when we need him most. I'm glad your GPs are doing their job so well!

My little one is doing well. We had a really big/busy weekend where I went to a horse event (Parelli Natural Horsemanship tour stop in Park City for those of you who are into horses) this weekend. He didn't nap very well at the event. Every time he'd fall asleep, the crowd would applaud again and wake him up. Poor thing! We are still reeling from the lack of schedule this weekend and hoping to get back onto our schedule. Even though he was tired, my mom and a couple friends commented on how good he was for the weekend. The horse event was all day Saturday and Sunday, and I had him with me the whole time. I enjoyed myself, but it was exhausting trying to keep him quiet all day long and trying to get him to sleep.

Yes, our area is in desperate need of rain. If we don't get some soon, we won't have a pasture to speak of this year, and we'll be forced to make some difficult decisions. *shudder* I prefer not to think about that. The grass is just starting to come up here. We've got a decent chance of rain/snow later this week so hopefully it will pan out and we'll get a good amount of precip.

Fires.... that is scary! The last two places we've lived (not including the current place), we had a neighbor who had a house fire. Ironically enough, both times the neighbor was two doors down from us and both times they lost everything. If we were to have a fire now, it would be devastating. We have cedar trees surrounding the house. All of them are more than 20 years old and some of them are closer to 40+ years old. If we were to have a fire, we'd lose all of the trees. Our house is concrete with a metal roof, so I'm not sure how much damage it would do to the house, but the damage to the outbuildings and tree line would be horrible. Right now, it is dry enough that a fire would spread WAY too fast, especially with the wind we've had around here recently. Yesterday, we had wind gusts to around 60 mph. That made it difficult to even stand up or walk out there. NO FUN!!!

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