Consolidated Kansas

I guess I'm not doing as well as I thought. Seems every time I get up to go do something I get light headed and nearly pass out. I am thinking this infection is just taking over me. My DH tried to get me to go to the doctor but I know they would just blow me off and say it was because of my tooth. So I'll give it one more day and hope it isn't anything else. I was trying to candle eggs because I have three incubators full and don't have room for the eggs I prepared to incubate. But I couldn't stand up long enough to get them done. I don't give in to sickness easily but this is kicking my butt.
I've got to get to feeling better so I can go feed and water the birds. My DH is on long nights and I can't ask him to go without sleep to help me out.
Lizzy and Josie, great to hear from you both. I miss you guys.
I have one of the Sebbies that is being very determined to go broody. I've been taking her eggs but since I have way too many in the incubator I think I am going to let her try to hatch some. I was working in the incubators today and saw one egg due to hatch tomorrow doing a lot of shaking and moving.! Woot! First goosey of the year.....I hope.
I guess I'm not doing as well as I thought. Seems every time I get up to go do something I get light headed and nearly pass out. I am thinking this infection is just taking over me. My DH tried to get me to go to the doctor but I know they would just blow me off and say it was because of my tooth. So I'll give it one more day and hope it isn't anything else. I was trying to candle eggs because I have three incubators full and don't have room for the eggs I prepared to incubate. But I couldn't stand up long enough to get them done. I don't give in to sickness easily but this is kicking my butt.
I've got to get to feeling better so I can go feed and water the birds. My DH is on long nights and I can't ask him to go without sleep to help me out.
Lizzy and Josie, great to hear from you both. I miss you guys.
I have one of the Sebbies that is being very determined to go broody. I've been taking her eggs but since I have way too many in the incubator I think I am going to let her try to hatch some. I was working in the incubators today and saw one egg due to hatch tomorrow doing a lot of shaking and moving.! Woot! First goosey of the year.....I hope.
Sharol I'll be fine, but thanks. I did go ahead and put a call into my regular doctor. I have so much pressure from this infection it could be throwing my equilibrium off which is what is causing problems. I'm just not one who quits trying to do stuff if I'm sick. I tend to go until I can't any more. I'm just worried more about my birds right now than myself.
Sharol I'll be fine, but thanks. I did go ahead and put a call into my regular doctor. I have so much pressure from this infection it could be throwing my equilibrium off which is what is causing problems. I'm just not one who quits trying to do stuff if I'm sick. I tend to go until I can't any more. I'm just worried more about my birds right now than myself.

Danz... I second what Sharol said. Call the Dr. NOW please... Tooth infection is no joke. Better be safe than sorry.... just call. They need to do something about it. At least make sure the antibiotic is doing its job. Sometimes you need stronger antibiotics when it comes to tooth infection.
I called the doctor's office and they finally called me back. It wasn't the doctor's normal nurse that called. Whomever it was didn't seem at all concerned and gave me an appointment for 9:15 in the morning and made a point to tell me I could cancel it if I get to feeling better. She treated me like she really could have cared less. She couldn't find my chart cause she didn't spell my name right. Good grief. I'd expect that in a big office but not locally. Anyway I did manage to get the birds fed. I wasn't overly concerned about water cause DH said it is supposed to rain tonight and they all had some. No better than I've been sleeping I hate to get up and go to the doctor in the morning but I've kind of put off going for a while anyway.
My lavender rooster was acting suspicious when I was feeding so I kept the bucket between him and me. He waited until I was done feeding and had gathered the eggs and put them in the bucket to try to jump me. I whopped him a couple times with the bucket before he back off. Now I have 7 scrambled lavender orpington eggs. That was his last chance. He's going to the rooster pen and getting beat up by the other roosters.
Then I got out further feeding and found this one young turkey Tom I have has hurt his leg and can't stand up. Of course the young cockerels in the pen were gang raping him just because he couldn't fight back. So I brought him in the house and tried to get him to drink some water with probiotics and sugar in it but he isn't at all interested. I guess if he doesn't die tonight and i am up to it I will have to butcher him tomorrow. If he won't eat or drink there is no reason to prolong it. I have no idea how he managed to get hurt.
Yikes! Silly geese, glad you found her. Mine are all locked up in their pens on their nests right now because of this very behavior! Man are they crabby ladies sitting on their nests!

Hi Everyone!! I am soooo very far behind, I read a few pages back but not too far. Sharol those chicks are super cute! We are hatching a couple eggs in my incubator for a kindergarten class in Wichita. Went in and candled the eggs yesterday and only had 3 eggs out of 13 going! Yikes, glad we have something though....I guess my couple banty roos are keeping the big brahma boy from getting anything done! The kids loved seeing the eggs candled though, such fun.

Hope you are all well, I need to get some housekeeping done here and get off my behind!
I'm glad to see you drop in once in awhile. I think it's great that the kids in school get to see chicks hatching these days, my granddaughter told me they have some in an incubator in her class. The hen I got from you is doing great, she fit right in with the group of lavender Orps, so I was really happy about that. She never really stopped laying either after she got here.

Lizzy, did you ever get rid of the sickly looking coyote you posted a pic of a few weeks ago? I think they are out and about a lot more recently because I could hear them howling in the evening. My doctor came by to get his eggs yesterday and mentioned that his dog killed one the other day. He lives just 1/2 mile north of us. He asked if my GPs keep my flock safe and I said "heck yes!". Glad my dogs are patroling the property at night. They have been quite busy lately too.

How's the little munchkin doing? I hope you get some rain soon. I heard that your area desperately needs moisture. It is even dry here and I kept hearing the fire trucks over the weekend fighting wild fire on the pasture. One got really close to us... About 1.5 mile south of us. I got a bit concern since the wind was blowing from the south. But it has to jump across the highway before it got to us though. Still scary nonetheless.
Aren't those GPs amazing, mine sure have been busy at night too & I'm sure the warmer it gets the busier they'll be. They've been wiped out in the daytime lately.

I called the doctor's office and they finally called me back. It wasn't the doctor's normal nurse that called. Whomever it was didn't seem at all concerned and gave me an appointment for 9:15 in the morning and made a point to tell me I could cancel it if I get to feeling better. She treated me like she really could have cared less. She couldn't find my chart cause she didn't spell my name right. Good grief. I'd expect that in a big office but not locally. Anyway I did manage to get the birds fed. I wasn't overly concerned about water cause DH said it is supposed to rain tonight and they all had some. No better than I've been sleeping I hate to get up and go to the doctor in the morning but I've kind of put off going for a while anyway.
My lavender rooster was acting suspicious when I was feeding so I kept the bucket between him and me. He waited until I was done feeding and had gathered the eggs and put them in the bucket to try to jump me. I whopped him a couple times with the bucket before he back off. Now I have 7 scrambled lavender orpington eggs. That was his last chance. He's going to the rooster pen and getting beat up by the other roosters.
Then I got out further feeding and found this one young turkey Tom I have has hurt his leg and can't stand up. Of course the young cockerels in the pen were gang raping him just because he couldn't fight back. So I brought him in the house and tried to get him to drink some water with probiotics and sugar in it but he isn't at all interested. I guess if he doesn't die tonight and i am up to it I will have to butcher him tomorrow. If he won't eat or drink there is no reason to prolong it. I have no idea how he managed to get hurt.
I hope you get some things checked out Danz & they can get you feeling better, I know you've been feeling pretty awful.

My darned Barred Rock rooster came after me today & made me smash the egg I had just collected from in the pen, it really made me even madder at him. He's going in the stew pot as soon as I have a replacement, but in the meantime I'm trying to get some eggs to do a test hatch & see if he's doing his job. I have only gotten a few eggs from those pullets in there yet.
I'm feeling much better this morning and the swelling seems to be going down in my face. I guess the antibiotics finally started kicking in. I'm still going to the doctor anyway because I've been postponing it and I think the tooth incident just exacerbate a problem that was already there. I finally was able to sleep at least part of the night.
Before I went to bed the turkey had started eating and drinking and holding it's head up. So I thought maybe it would be okay. I was just getting asleep when I heard the telltale flopping. I walked in to see him take his last few breaths. So in my daze I went ahead and dressed him out and tried to do a necropsy. I am really baffled. He was perfect. Perfect liver, heart, no lesions, perfect guts, no worms of any kind,no internal trauma. Digestive system seemed to be working perfectly. If nothing else I expected to see internal trauma from whatever he did to break his leg. Nothing. So I popped him in a pot. I would love to eat him myself but since I can't figure out what went wrong I just prefer not to. I'm kind of weird that way. I need to know what killed something before I eat it. So tonight the dogs are going to have feast de turkey. He smells wonderful.
We had rain and hail during the night. Looks like the day could be a real rainy mess.
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Back from the doctor. I had some blood drawn and am scheduled for a stress test. My EKG was great though. The doctor said I really had a severe infection from that tooth and that it can get into your bones easily. But I have all the signs of something ...I forgot the name of. I think it was maybe some heart blockage or something. So that is why I am getting the tests done.
I've never had a stress test so it makes me kind of nervous. I've only heard about them.
Heck I am just old and I expect myself to keep going at full speed. My being sick has done me a favor I think. I've lost 15 pounds since I was there a couple months ago. I sure can't see it. I think I might be a little dehydrated so that could be a lot of the weight loss. It certainly isn't hurting me to loose a little but I can't wait to be able to chew food again.
OK. Quote is not working for me... what's new?

Danz... glad you are feeling much better today. Tooth infection is scary. I was thinking of you last night when I was working the night deployment shift. As for the stress test... my husband had one done a couple of years ago. They put an IV in his arm, injected something in, had him run on the treadmill, etc. Took about 2 hrs when it was all said and done. My co-working just had something done and she had to have a stint put in right after the test because it showed 90% blockage or something like that. She stayed home for a few days and said what bothered her the most was her groin. I think they put it through using the vein in the groin? I'm not sure. But she said she is feeling much better after the procedure. Hopefully your test results are good and don't need to have anything done.

Sorry about your turkey. It's always weird to see a bird die without any trace of ... welll... anything. I had 2 hens died like that the last couple of days. Everything seems to be normal... fingers crossed. I'm set to butcher 6 roosters this weekend. I think my freezer is full.

Trish ... the GPs are working out really well. I heard them barking up a storm last night when I was working late. I agree with you that the coyotes and other nasty things are out and about now that it's warmer outside.
Back from the doctor. I had some blood drawn and am scheduled for a stress test. My EKG was great though. The doctor said I really had a severe infection from that tooth and that it can get into your bones easily. But I have all the signs of something ...I forgot the name of. I think it was maybe some heart blockage or something. So that is why I am getting the tests done.
I've never had a stress test so it makes me kind of nervous. I've only heard about them.
Heck I am just old and I expect myself to keep going at full speed. My being sick has done me a favor I think. I've lost 15 pounds since I was there a couple months ago. I sure can't see it. I think I might be a little dehydrated so that could be a lot of the weight loss. It certainly isn't hurting me to loose a little but I can't wait to be able to chew food again.
I just had a stress done a week and a half ago. They hook you up to a bunch of wires and have you walk/run on a treadmill at various inclines. They aim for a certain number to get your heart.. it took 12 minutes for them to get mine to 100% and that was literally running uphill on the treadmill... They do start out very slowly and will increase speed and incline based your current heart information at that given time of the test. I am a runner - therefore, it took a little more for them to get my heart rate up where they wanted it. You should get the results of the test right then and there - so, no waiting - that is always a good thing. Good luck.

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