Consolidated Kansas

No that's danz-sizing at it's best when you're supposed to be cutting down on birds & you get more, lol. I can't even talk, I'm about as bad myself, chicken math to the max. I got another breed I will be raising next year but am going to cut out several breeds that aren't selling that well. I just have way too many for people to choose from & that has caused me issues with orders this year for so many breeds in one order. I can never get them all hatched at the same time so I end up keeping a lot of chicks till I can get them all, not good when you only have so much brooder space. I need a building so I could have more room but that's not happening.

I just finished up a small hatch last night but still have duck eggs in the hatcher that are a day late. One hatched overnight & I see one more egg pipping in there. I only have one more batch of duck eggs in the incubator & then I'm done hatching ducks for this year. I'm onto the guinea keets now, I have a bunch of orders for them that I need to fill. They're seasonal layers so they don't even lay till some time in April & then it takes 26-28 days for them to hatch.
It's snowing here now - great big snow flakes! Weird weather - that's for sure! I went out to do chores and came back in soaked! My little guy was out with me. He was wearing his overalls AND a heavy coat. By the time we came back in, his overalls were soaked through and his jeans were wet as well. Wet and cold! Chickens aren't so thrilled and the ducks and geese are just mad I didn't let them out to play in any puddles they could find. They tend to wander from puddle to puddle and leave the yard without ever noticing. Silly birds!
I know the thermometer says 55, and yesterday it said 56, but that wind is really cold. I broke down and put the sweeter heater back in the hoop coop last night for my 7 wk old Campines (and one Breda). When I checked this morning all the overnight poo was in line with the heat, so I guess it was the right thing to do.

I'm sure that here it is the dampness that makes such a chill here -- the temperature looks nice, but brrrrr.

Like you said, puddles everywhere. My little Chihuahua foster (pregnant) hates getting wet, but she is firmly determined to go outside to pee. Life is hard when you are the size of a small soccer ball. No pups yet and she is still eating so it may be a little longer than we thought. right now she is on my lap warming up from the wet grass.

I am really ready for spring to come back.
No that's danz-sizing at it's best when you're supposed to be cutting down on birds & you get more, lol. I can't even talk, I'm about as bad myself, chicken math to the max. I got another breed I will be raising next year but am going to cut out several breeds that aren't selling that well. I just have way too many for people to choose from & that has caused me issues with orders this year for so many breeds in one order. I can never get them all hatched at the same time so I end up keeping a lot of chicks till I can get them all, not good when you only have so much brooder space. I need a building so I could have more room but that's not happening.

I just finished up a small hatch last night but still have duck eggs in the hatcher that are a day late. One hatched overnight & I see one more egg pipping in there. I only have one more batch of duck eggs in the incubator & then I'm done hatching ducks for this year. I'm onto the guinea keets now, I have a bunch of orders for them that I need to fill. They're seasonal layers so they don't even lay till some time in April & then it takes 26-28 days for them to hatch.

Yeah and I've put a couple bids in on rarebreeds for something different. I'll only bid up if they stay really really cheap because it's not something I am really wanting. I'm also thinking I will separate my bbs from my breeding pen of blue laced gold brahmas and just breed blues and splash as a separate color. I used the blue girls to get the base color on this breeding but I don't think I need them now for that. I'm always looking for just the right combination to sell and that I'll enjoy as well.
It's a muddy mess out there. I've been trying to catch up on feeding and stuff. I also ran out of feed so Monday for sure I have to get a load. I'm going to be dipping the bottom to feed them tomorrow. Part of that was because of wasted feed I had to dump that got full of water.
I think we got another inch of rain or so last night. Stop already!!!
Yeah and I've put a couple bids in on rarebreeds for something different. I'll only bid up if they stay really really cheap because it's not something I am really wanting. I'm also thinking I will separate my bbs from my breeding pen of blue laced gold brahmas and just breed blues and splash as a separate color. I used the blue girls to get the base color on this breeding but I don't think I need them now for that. I'm always looking for just the right combination to sell and that I'll enjoy as well.
It's a muddy mess out there. I've been trying to catch up on feeding and stuff. I also ran out of feed so Monday for sure I have to get a load. I'm going to be dipping the bottom to feed them tomorrow. Part of that was because of wasted feed I had to dump that got full of water.
I think we got another inch of rain or so last night. Stop already!!!
Shaking fist at sky, "40 days and 40 nights are enough!!!"

It is drying out around here, but not much.

Monday is lockdown for the Orp and Breda eggs. Hoping for a good hatch cause I can sell these. My broody is discouraged because the other hens keep stealing her nest, and I have no place to put her. Both eggs are infertile, and I'm planning to sneak her some chicks as they hatch if she is still wanting babies.
My partridge orps hatched a little chick. It appears to be blind. It wasn't going to thrive in the pen for sure. It managed to go to the next pen and the mottles picked on it. I brought it in the house and put it in with a bunch of new chicks. It can't see to eat or drink but seems very content to have chick company. I hope at least it will feel like it belongs until it dies. I've taken it to the water a few times and it drinks when I dip it's beak but then it can't find the water or feed again. Poor little thing. I can't just cull it. I put antibiotic ointment on it's eyes but I don't think it will help. His eyes are never open and if you open them they look cloudy and dull like scar tissue.
I've never seen this before and have no idea what caused it. It had been in the nest box at least 4 days without any food or water but did have a broody taking care of it. I'm surprised it is still alive.
Of course anyone who knows me well, knows I make special arrangements for the injured or those unable to function in a group.
I've been waiting all afternoon for a customer. Another no show. Grrr.
If I didn't need the money from selling the chicks I would just refuse to do business with those that don't show or call. It happens way to often.
Those campines are silly birds. I put them in a quarantine pen. They have a nice coop but wanted to roost on the roof instead. I picked up three and put them inside and the fourth walked around the roof for a while then decided not to be alone out here and jumped in for the night.
Those campines are silly birds. I put them in a quarantine pen. They have a nice coop but wanted to roost on the roof instead. I picked up three and put them inside and the fourth walked around the roof for a while then decided not to be alone out here and jumped in for the night.
That's good. They are used to being locked in at night.

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