Consolidated Kansas

Not sure what all that was about, but I want to say one thing: It is very hot outside. (Duh! that was a profound statement!) People are short tempered and more sensitive than normal. Many years ago I was a police officer in Oklahoma City. During high heat the domestic calls, fights, homicides, and other violent crimes escalated by 300%. Try to stay cool. If someone says something to upset you walk away; let yourself calm down and then reread it without your heart on your sleeve. We all have mutual interests here and we come here because these people understand enthusiasm for our birds. Remember, unless there are names mentioned it doesn't mean a comment was directed at you; And even if it was, remember the person might be smiling as (s)he typed.
Amen. There are quite a few people that need to relax a little around here. There are a lot of times I don't comment for fear that someone will take it the wrong way and get their panties in a wad over a general statement. If someone doesn't care for a person then everything that person says is going to be taken the wrong way whether it is intentionally meant that way or not. So maybe just skip over posts from those you don't like because some people (like myself) like everyone here. Vent over. In the words of Forrest Gump...And that's all I'm gonna say about that.
I saw what Darin had posted and what probably got him in trouble was questioning on the forum something the mods had done instead of pming them to ask them directly. I don't know for sure, just what I figured had happened unless something else was posted that I didn't see. I just know questioning the mods in the open forum is a big no-no.
Is anyone having a decrease in their egg laying with 2 weeks of temps over 100. I had one hen die today. They have plenty of water and lots of shade but I guess the poor little thing just couldn't take it. Of my 6 laying hens, I've gotten 1 egg in the last week. The rest of my flock will be 5 months in August and I'm hoping they'll begin laying soon, but with these temps, maybe their ovaries will fry. Do chickens have ovaries?
my 6 are down to 2-3 eggs a day (they ran me out today when I was working in there so they could lay). I had been getting 5-6 forever. This heat is absolutely awful. My girls have 2 misters (one in the run and one on the tractor where the 12 week olds live). Actually the tractor is cooler than the shade under the trees because of the mister and some shade cloth.

My EE, Campine, and one ore the other of the Delawares still lay almost every day. My Welsumer is starting a molt (I think) and hasn't laid since her best friend died a couple of weeks ago, and the GLW hasn't laid an egg in 2 weeks. I'm trying to keep them as cool as possible, but with highs around 106, there isn't much you can do.

Sorry you lost your hen. I'm just taking it one day at a time as are the girls.

It just would of been nice to get a pm from the mods and tell him not to do that vs a 2 week grounding again when we are having serious issues with losing birds and really need the input from everyone,,most were quite expensive not to mention favorites. Thanks to the help of the bycrs that chimmed in ,,we got wood ,live traps etc and haven't lost a bird in a few nights. Lets hope for another good night tonight. Also these are our first turkeys and we have both been told not to give our birds cold water so the first question was actuallly serious about giving the birds frozen treats when he got grounded the first time. One of my ducks died from when I moved it to Darens house a few weeks ago in the heat, thought we only gave it a small amount of warm water but apparently it was too much and it threw up and fell over dead
Thanks for the condolences. It's like losing a member of the family. A new member, who is covered in feathers and fits nicely in the crook of my are, but a family member just the same. I use sprinklers in their run most of the day but with this incredible heat and their delicate constitutions, I worry about what I'll find each day when I get home from work.
It just would of been nice to get a pm from the mods and tell him not to do that vs a 2 week grounding again when we are having serious issues with losing birds and really need the input from everyone,,most were quite expensive not to mention favorites. Thanks to the help of the bycrs that chimmed in ,,we got wood ,live traps etc and haven't lost a bird in a few nights. Lets hope for another good night tonight. Also these are our first turkeys and we have both been told not to give our birds cold water so the first question was actuallly serious about giving the birds frozen treats when he got grounded the first time. One of my ducks died from when I moved it to Darens house a few weeks ago in the heat, thought we only gave it a small amount of warm water but apparently it was too much and it threw up and fell over dead

Pm them and see what they say was the reason.....that's the only way you'll know for sure.
Just on for a sec because I'm about to pass out from exhaustion- to those with losses, I'm so very sorry- this seems to be a rotten year for predation, and I don't need to state the obvious about how horrible it is for the heat.

Callducklover- the advice about cold water? Was it specific to turkeys, or all birds? I've used ice water for mine for years, and I can't imagine it being a problem unless the bird was in a really bad state and it could cause shock. With humans, we do it all the time, but when someone has dehydration or heat exhaustion, they do try to prevent shocking the system by using cool or lukewarm water. I'm really wondering whether it's species specific, because I know poults are sooooooo much less robust than chicks.

On the wood- I'm late on making feed and haven't been to Perry in 3 weeks or so, so I'm not positive about what's there right now, but if you find there's not enough there, I have tons of extra from my 3 loads of it.

Everyone else, stay cool and look out for crazy people. The drivers in KC have really let the heat get to them, and the traffic on K-10 was insane today. Really aggressive.
Sharol, I'm a little freaked out by power saws top, but I'm going to have to get over it. My DH is not wanting to help me build this coop. So this is on me.
But I'm sure he'll give in at some point and help when I need it. Otherwise, I'm actually looking forward to seeing what I can do. I have the plans, and a good idea of what I'm trying to do... nothing will go wrong. yes? hehe!

SugaryNut, so sorry about your hen. YES they are your babies! I only have the one turkey right now, but I'd be pretty upset if he died. Especially after taking him to the vet, tube feeding him and forcing Baytril down his beak for the last week and half. He's a bit more than a pet at this point. His dog kennel is in my living room, so he sleeps inside with us.

Yesterday, I kept the sprinklers on all day for Seymore and I have fabric up for shade and I did put ice in his water. I saw where someone said not to put ice in the water for a turkey- but the other day I was on the turkey threads and no one seemed to think it was a bad idea.

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