Consolidated Kansas

Hi I'm Shotah's Mom. She says all this chicken goings on in all my fault. We're learning. So I'm listening mostly.

and to the Kansas thread! :) Ahhh.... so you're the instigator, hu? Well, we LOVE enablers around here and we'll even support you on that. LOL!
Love that show! We watch it every week. Some of those guys are kinda dumb! They end up making no money on the haul just to beat out the other guys. It's crazy.

Ivy- I will pray that they find out what is going on with your husband and that it is something minor. Please keep us updated tomorrow.

Yeah, we watched a show a couple nights ago and the husband/wife team that has the open trailer was hauling this SUPER delicate pirate ship model and every time they touched it, it kept breaking and falling apart. They did a horrible job and broke on the keel, and snapped off all kinds of parts. I was covering my eyes and thinking I would NEVER ever hire them to do ANYthing! It was just awful. Then, they ended up losing money on it, too. The customer was pretty upset about it. That Cowgirl also messed up when she was shipping Pea fowl-- had a whole bunch of adult rare breeds in shipping boxes and she let them get rained on outside. Then she nearly killed them in the heat because she ran out of GAS along the highway on a stretch in the middle of the desert and the birds were just cooking! I was just dying!
Ivy- I sure hope they find something out tomorrow at the Dr. I keep hoping to get on and find some good news from you.
I think I talked my daughter into silkies, I'd heard somewhere else that lakenvelders weren't a good starter. I'm going to sell some quail to a guy near Herrington who's on the Facebook KSBST and he posted some silkie chicks today for $2 ea. and said he plans on hatching more all spring. I think I'm just going to get a few of those and take them off the price of the quail he gets from me. I had wanted some silkies anyway so if the kids decide they don't like them I can just keep them for myself.

Darin-which species of tree ducks did you get? I really like the white face.

Silkies are so calm and docile! That would be the BEST pets for kids that are a little fearful of chickens. They almost aren't even chickens, they are so sweet! LOL My kids really love on our silkies and carry them around. That's probably the best breed you could have picked... IMO!! It's not like I'm biased or anything, though.....
Yeah, we watched a show a couple nights ago and the husband/wife team that has the open trailer was hauling this SUPER delicate pirate ship model and every time they touched it, it kept breaking and falling apart. They did a horrible job and broke on the keel, and snapped off all kinds of parts. I was covering my eyes and thinking I would NEVER ever hire them to do ANYthing! It was just awful. Then, they ended up losing money on it, too. The customer was pretty upset about it. That Cowgirl also messed up when she was shipping Pea fowl-- had a whole bunch of adult rare breeds in shipping boxes and she let them get rained on outside. Then she nearly killed them in the heat because she ran out of GAS along the highway on a stretch in the middle of the desert and the birds were just cooking! I was just dying!

That's hideous! You'd be better off shipping them in the mail- they even make Peafowl boxes for that.
Hello to all the new folks!

Everyone: There is a Third Annual Easter Hatch starting up on St. Patrick's Day. You have plenty of time to get prepared to join if you'd like to try hatching- there will be tons of folks hatching along to support your effort and assist with any questions. If you're a tried-and-true hatcher like several of us, it's just a good excuse for some socializing with other hatch-a-holics. There are over a dozen contests planned, with prizes and lots of fun. See the link in my signature to join. No need to fill out the form until you know what you're setting- right now it's just a lot of folks discussing what they want to se and their incubators. It's a great way to learn or to help others learn.

Join us!
That's hideous! You'd be better off shipping them in the mail- they even make Peafowl boxes for that.

No kidding, Renee!! When I saw that, I was thinking our birds are FAR better off going thru the mail! Possibly they would have done that too-- except that they were shipping something like 20 or 30 birds. These weren't very big boxes, I didn't think either. Their tails were really squashed in there. She never gave them water once-- AND she was an entire day late! So those birds were in their boxes one full day later than they should have been. They did show the lady that was shipping them giving them lettuce. She said that the lettuce gave them their food and water. That's all they got. At least it was something, but I was feeling pretty terrible about those birds.
Hello to all the new folks!

Everyone: There is a Third Annual Easter Hatch starting up on St. Patrick's Day. You have plenty of time to get prepared to join if you'd like to try hatching- there will be tons of folks hatching along to support your effort and assist with any questions. If you're a tried-and-true hatcher like several of us, it's just a good excuse for some socializing with other hatch-a-holics. There are over a dozen contests planned, with prizes and lots of fun. See the link in my signature to join. No need to fill out the form until you know what you're setting- right now it's just a lot of folks discussing what they want to se and their incubators. It's a great way to learn or to help others learn.

Join us!

oh, that sounds like fun! I can't wait to see how my hatch goes in a couple more weeks. :) Would be so fun to have a hatch-along.
Hi I'm Shotah's Mom. She says all this chicken goings on in all my fault. We're learning. So I'm listening mostly.


Everyone: There is a Third Annual Easter Hatch starting up on St. Patrick's Day. You have plenty of time to get prepared to join if you'd like to try hatching- there will be tons of folks hatching along to support your effort and assist with any questions. If you're a tried-and-true hatcher like several of us, it's just a good excuse for some socializing with other hatch-a-holics. There are over a dozen contests planned, with prizes and lots of fun. See the link in my signature to join. No need to fill out the form until you know what you're setting- right now it's just a lot of folks discussing what they want to se and their incubators. It's a great way to learn or to help others learn.

I've been debating joining this. I really think I might. I haven't been able to do it in the past but now that I can expand my flock, it would be fun to be a part of this.
Congrats on getting your daughter started with the chickens. I did it when I was a kid, and I had my kids involved in it. I've been on here quite a while and I still do a lot of reading and learning!

Well, no new chicks this morning. Not even a pip. Talked to DH on the phone. He doesn't know when they will be doing the tests today, but they won't let him eat and he is hungry. I hope they will let him out later today, but I really don't know yet. I guess we will know more later.

I went out to check on DH's goats because a couple of them are getting close to kidding. It looks like one has either just lost her mucous plug or has broke her water. I'll have to keep a close eye on her, and I hope she does something before I have to leave to go back to Topeka. As I was coming out of the pen, our little buck who is always very friendly made a movement toward me like a challenge. It was on a steep hill, so I was afraid he would knock me down the hill. I turned to face him and he just seemed to want attention, but I wasn't quite sure that would be the case if I turned my back. Since I'm not the one who usually takes care of them, I wasn't sure if he saw me as a challenge. Anyway, I backed down the hill without any problem. Frankly, no matter how friendly they are, I never turn my back on a buck, a bull, a stallion, or a boar hog. You just never know.

I got a call yesterday. I have someone coming to buy ALL of the marans chicks I have hatched so far. He may buy some of the ameraucanas, too. That is good. It just means I can hatch more!
My problem with the hatches like that is that I always have so many eggs in the bator. So I would have to take a picture and say between row 6 and row 8 are due on this date. So Renee are they practical about it so you would actually aim to hatch a few days early if you wanted to sell the birds for Easter, or do you aim for Easter day? Just wondering. I got into a hatch off at Christmas time but it was using swapped and shipped eggs.The eggs I got, got lost in the holiday shuffle and took over a week to get here, Then over half were broken and the box reeked of rotten egg. All but one of them weren't viable anymore. I hatched one lone turkey from them. Which of course made me buy more turkey eggs which are 'cooking' right now. I would never try that again. I'd use my own eggs fore sure.
Well I've got an opportunity to get 4 adult peafowl but need to get them fast. I don't have a place to house them or a pen suitable for them. I am in a rush because they'll be starting to lay soon and I don't want to miss that window of opportunity and feed them for another year without having eggs to hatch. That means coming up with housing and a large pen quickly. I just finally got the nerve to tell DH and he made no comment. I am sure he is going to come back in after bit and say we don't need any more projects. At the same time my breeding trailer is top priority and it is too cold in there to do the floor work I need to do. Why wasn't I just born well to do so I could just hire this stuff done? I keep thinking if I would reduce my breeds I could manage it better but I just want them all.
Hawkeye how are you feeling? Are you getting better or worse? I am thinking I am now at the point I have to go to the doctor and get an antibiotic. My lungs are so congested and I can't sleep because I need to cough all the time. And of course running a fever. Why couldn't I just get the flu and get over it like some people can do?

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