Consolidated Kansas

Why wasn't I just born well to do so I could just hire this stuff done?

Have you been reading Gryeyes "Home in the Foothills" thread that has practically become a blog? She has "John" a local handyman who seems to be able to do just about everything and has become a friend to her as well. I would love to find a "John" to be able to call and say "I need this or that done" and it just happens. Sigh. One day....
Nope I don't do much skipping around on the forums. I just read a little of it. Yeah it would be great to have someone like that and it would be even greater to have the money to pay them and pay for the supplies. Unless by some miracle it won't happen in my lifetime.
Heck I'd even settle for a husband that works hard!!
Danz-You sure have had a rough winter! Hope you start feeling better soon. I had peafowl when we lived near Solomon. They were so beautiful. I was afraid to get them here because of all the predators, but I'm sure they would be okay now with the dogs around, but with a move coming up sometime in the future I'm reluctant to get any right now. We had some of ours free ranging and they were funny to watch. They always came up on the step where we fed the cats. They would eat all the cat food, and then make a big, gooey brick red (from the cat food) deposit right in front of the step.

I guess one of the things I like best about my birds is being able to watch them free ranging. I'll never forget the time my DH's bird dog discovered the peacocks. One was sitting on top of the cab of the tractor. That dog stood there and "pointed" that bird almost all day long!
How funny! These birds are used to free ranging but I am afraid my dogs would see them as intruders if they weren't in a pen for some time. If it were just warmer out and I felt a little better I'd be out there trying to work on a plan. I never wanted peacocks cause I hate that mating scream they do. But they are beautiful and there is a potential to make some money with their offspring. So I can hardly turn them down.
Unfortunately my whole life has been like this; sick a good deal of the time. It's just that in more recent years it knocks me down a lot further. I used to keep going no matter how sick I was. I am ready to be over this however. I didn't sleep last night cause I kept coughing.
Well computers are great when they're working right, but not so great when they aren't. Yesterday my fan that is on the CPU on the motherboard started making noises & I wasn't sure at first what it was so I decided to run a software check on my hard drives. I found out my main hard drive was failing, so I had to hurry & transfer all of my stuff to one of my other drives. Thank goodness I did that test before the drive totally failed because all of my stuff was on there, photos, just everything. I do have an external backup drive, but haven't run it recently, which I need to do again. I have learned my lesson over the years about backing up important things. Anyway, I took the bad drive out yesterday & everything was working as far as that went & then the CPU fan was making so much noise that we decided I had better shut it off & call the computer place to see if I can get another one. So now I'm having to use my DH's computer until I can run down to Ark City & see if they have the right fan in stock to replace that one. I can't believe it didn't even last a year.

I woke up this morning to horrible racket going on, my DH was yelling at the pups outside & having a fit. I guess I hadn't latched the dog run well enough & they escaped & were out this morning. DH was yelling at them because they wouldn't leave the little dogs alone so they could potty & he couldn't feed the outside cats without the pups eating their food. Geez you would have thought Armageddon was happening the way he was carrying on. I got up & went out to feed the pups & get them away from DH & took care of the chickens & rabbits. I really just wanted to stay outside & would have if it wasn't cold out there. I honestly don't know why he couldn't have just put the pups back in the pen himself instead of having a fit, but that's the way he is. He blows a gasket & then just goes on & on about it until you just want to knock him up the side of the head with something to shut him up. I finally got him calmed down & he just went to the gym thank goodness, maybe he'll be in a better mood when he comes back. I have told him that some day he's going to blow like that & he's going to have a stroke, it can't be that good for him.

I got my shock collar that I ordered, so later on when I have some time I'm going to read about it & see how I set it up. After I had already ordered this one I found out there is this rock thing I could have gotten that has a sensor on it that might have worked better, but I already spent the money on this now & I can't return it, so I'll just have to try it out & see what happens.

IVY, I sure hope you find out what is causing the problems with your DH & he can get some treatment. I'll keep you both in my prayers today. That's great that you have a buyer for your Marans chicks.

Danz, maybe it's time to go to the Dr. & get some meds so you can get better. It sounds like you have developed some complications. I know what you mean about not being able to sleep for the coughing. I went through that for 2 weeks, I even had to take some cough syrup night before last again because I woke up coughing. I'm finally getting the junk cleared out of my lungs, but it has taken me 2 weeks to do it. I was so sick & tired of coughing it was ridiculous. Anyway, I hope you feel better soon, it's the pits to be sick.
Ivy, that's great that someone is buying your maran's chicks! You're right-- MORE to hatch!! YAY! LOL! Exciting about your does ready to kid! Take a picture if you have a baby today! Sounds like you're only a few hours out from babies.

Danz, yep sounds like you need to see the Dr and make sure it's not the start of pneumonia. You sound miserable. :( I'm feeling much better! Although, my sinuses keep clogging up and it's making it hard to breathe. I'm using one of those nasal mists to help clear me up so I can breathe. I bought some more Vicks vapor liquid in case I break out the humidifyer to help me breathe over night. Do you have one of those? Now would be a good time to use it! Peafowl, hu? It seems like that is the buzz word right now in poultry! Everyone is wanting them! Interesting! I think they would be a lot of fun to have. :) They fly pretty well, too, don't they?

Trish, sorry about your computer. Sounds like a mess, but glad you got it backed up. That would have been a disaster for sure. Men! How odd they can be! And mine loves to say that *I* don't make any sense! HA! I agree with you, your DH could have put them back in the pen and solved all his troubles. LOL!

I'm so excited!!! My new Digital Hygrometer/therm came in the mail today! I tried to order one that had good reviews so that I wouldn't have to worry about it. I'm supposed to calibrate with a 'salt test'. So right now, it's sitting in a ziplock bag with a cap full of wet salt sealed up for a few hours. Some people say they leave their tests over night, but the instructions say you can do it in 4 hours. I'm going to go with the 4 hours and see what it reads. Worst case, I can always set it over night when I'm not going to be reading it. But I'm really anxious to see what my incubator is reading. But the unit itself is really neat-- it's got a magnetic "pin" on it. Sort of like a nice name tag you might wear at church-- with the magnetic strip on the unit and then the corresponding magnetic plate that will attach to it. It also comes with a sticker if you want to stick it to something. It's pretty thin and small. It's supposed to be put in a humidor, but I figured it would work great for this! :) It has a nice large read out, too.
Trish, our shock collar comes with a base to charge the collar on. Same with the hand held remote. The charge seems to hold for two or three days on ours. I really like ours! It really got Gia (our VERY stubborn shih tzu) to finally listen to us. Otherwise, she would just charge straight out of the house and never return-- no matter how much we yelled and chased after her! She is a MESS. Before all of that, I had spent weeks with her on a lease working on getting her to listen to me. Worked well... when she was on the leash. But when she's not, she just turns her brain to "off". That collar makes her think twice and listen. So I sure hope you have some good luck with it. :)

Ivy-- forgot to say that I hope they find something on your DH. If they just release him.... then what? All of the symptoms and troubles are still there. That worries me.
Hi!! Just wanted to say(chicken danz) you need to keep the pea's in a pen for about 3 months they need to acclimate themselves- if you turn them loose too soon they most likely will be gone. It might work in a month but older birds I have found need longer. When I turned my blue pair out even after their enclosed time they flew to the trees across the road and didn't come back for a few days. They spook easily. With pea fowl raised right on your place from chicks I have found this to not be a problem as they are home and I let them out a bit as chicks. I used cattle panels for my pen with chicken wire on it. I believe 2 cattle panels overlapped at the top a little, and I think there are 4 of these arches side by side. It may not be perfect for them but it works, I have a camper topper on top of plywood sides for protection and the roost is just 4 foot off the ground. So far the tails haven't drug the ground and most nights you will find them on top of the topper. Old dresser drawers for nesting boxes-when they get too dirty I just pitch them and find some more.. Someone else on here was doing the cattle panel pen it works great..

Hope you feel better soon-It's no fun doing chores in the cold when you feel so rough!!
How funny! These birds are used to free ranging but I am afraid my dogs would see them as intruders if they weren't in a pen for some time. If it were just warmer out and I felt a little better I'd be out there trying to work on a plan. I never wanted peacocks cause I hate that mating scream they do. But they are beautiful and there is a potential to make some money with their offspring. So I can hardly turn them down.
Unfortunately my whole life has been like this; sick a good deal of the time. It's just that in more recent years it knocks me down a lot further. I used to keep going no matter how sick I was. I am ready to be over this however. I didn't sleep last night cause I kept coughing.

Hi!! to the newbie "mom"..

Trish --they(men) are at times worse than children
- don't get me started- mine is wonderful most of the times
, but if his routine is upset it is not pleasant,
he is learning to "roll with it" but it has come slowly.. mellowing as he ages.. Hopefully me too..
. Good thing he is not on here to rebuttal..

well that is a sign of too much time on my hands at work..
I gave up and went to town to see the doc. I've got bronchitis. He said it was a good thing I came in when I did or it would have easily turned to pneumonia. Been there...done that. At least I have some antibiotics now. In a couple of days I'll feel a lot better. I hoped DH would feed and water the birds while I was gone but instead he is in the bedroom snoring away. And he wonders why he doesn't sleep all night?????
I wish I didn't live so far from places to get decent prices. It would be so much easier to build things if I could just run and get them rather than drive an hour or two. By the time I paid local prices I could drive about anywhere and still save money; plus they never have exactly what I want.
Yeah I was wanting to just hatch some peafowl eggs so I could raise some here but I guess the work has been done for me. I am sure I will enjoy them once they get here and have a pen.
oh Danz! I'm sorry to hear that it was something as serious as bronchitis! I'm really glad you finally went in. It took antibiotics to finally rid me of the crud as well. You should feel much better in a couple days then! :)

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