Consolidated Kansas

This came up a couple days ago. It's just not working. supposedly they are trying to fix the issue. It drives me crazy not knowing when to check for updates.
When I first got into chickens and I was hatching my first set of eggs, I went to a local farm that was selling eggs, for eating. I bought 5 dozen and got 5 chicks. Most were clears.

I am telling you this because I know where you can get fertile eggs for eating egg prices in Wichita.

Barneys. On W Central over by Zoo BLVD. I looked at the eggs and they are a lovely mix of colors, so if you are wanting to hatch out some eggs for a little bit of ya go. I had planned on getting some, but my chickens are giving me plenty to shove in the incubator.

Happy hatching!!!
On the emails thing, I have heard if you log out on all your computers and then log back in it MIGHT fix it. Good luck....

Back to lurking......
Well I got my computer fixed & now the internet is down, I can't seem to win today.

I was wet & frozen by the time I got all the animals & birds fed tonight. The pups were soaked & muddy when I put them in their pen, but they didn't seem to mind that much. I hate snow, I can't wait for spring!

Danz, I hope the antibiotics kick in fast so you can start feeling better.
Danz and HEChicken, I'm lucky, I guess. DH is pretty handy and since most of his fellow firefighters are pretty handy, we almost never have to hire anything done. They can do any kind of construction and concrete work, my BIL is an electrician, DH & his dad can do most simple plumbing, and DH & I are experienced painters, cracked wall repairers, floor refinishers and we've even laid vinyl floors a couple of times!

Danz, I'm glad you got to the doc in time. I hope the meds kick in and you finally get to feeling better.

Sharol, I'm having the same problems. No matter what frequency I choose, I don't get email notifications. So now I just try to get here at least once a day and check out the new posts.

Reality shows! I watch my share, but I'm amazed at some of the programming. I keep telling DH pretty soon there'll be a show about him taking out the trash....
It is driving me crazy. I can't seem to get the website to e-mail me when new posts are made to the thread. I even eliminated all my subscriptions and re-subscribed to this one. I told it to let me know immediately. No joy.

Does ANYONE have any idea what I have to do on this new platform to get subscriptions to work?

I'm not getting subscriptions on individual threads either. But the funny thing is, everyday I get emails providing "BYC Updates". I used to get 2 identical emails about 30 minutes apart but one day I got 4 of the same email spread throughout the day. I can't even tell what criteria it is using to tell me about which threads have been updated. Sometimes it is threads I recognize because I've posted to them, but other times it is threads I haven't seen before, so why the system thinks I'll be particularly interested in those threads, I have no idea (it only highlights 2-6 threads in each email). Oh well.
When I first got into chickens and I was hatching my first set of eggs, I went to a local farm that was selling eggs, for eating. I bought 5 dozen and got 5 chicks. Most were clears.

I am telling you this because I know where you can get fertile eggs for eating egg prices in Wichita.

Barneys. On W Central over by Zoo BLVD. I looked at the eggs and they are a lovely mix of colors, so if you are wanting to hatch out some eggs for a little bit of ya go. I had planned on getting some, but my chickens are giving me plenty to shove in the incubator.

I am walking distance to Barneys! Its a great store. On the other hand, 5 chicks out of 5 dozen eggs are not great figures....are they marked as fertile eggs or you bought eggs for eating and just noticed they were fertile? Or hang on, reading that back, did you get the 5 dozen eggs at Barneys or a local farm? I'm easily confused

When I had my first chicks but they weren't laying yet, I used to drive out past Goddard to a local farm and buy eating eggs. The guy told me they were fertile so if I ever wanted to hatch some, just let him know ahead of time and he wouldn't refrigerate them. He was going to just sell them to me at eating egg prices with no guarantees about breed. Unfortunately, by the time I had a broody and actually needed fertile eggs, he had had a predator get most of his stock so was no longer in the egg business.

So Tazcat, if I was wanting some fertile eggs.....what breeds do you have? (Assuming you are willing to part with any.....)
Danz and HEChicken, I'm lucky, I guess. DH is pretty handy and since most of his fellow firefighters are pretty handy, we almost never have to hire anything done. They can do any kind of construction and concrete work, my BIL is an electrician, DH & his dad can do most simple plumbing, and DH & I are experienced painters, cracked wall repairers, floor refinishers and we've even laid vinyl floors a couple of times!

Yes, you are lucky! I am actually fairly handy myself. I finished a room in our basement entirely by myself - I can drywall, paint, do electrical, plumbing, lay vinyl floor etc. I would have to say I probably am better about that stuff than my DH, although he is the idea man and is often able to suggest an option I hadn't previously thought about. The main thing for me at the moment is that he is SO busy with work that I don't want to take his time away from doing what he needs to do to ask him to help me, but the bigger projects really are easier with two people than one. And, because we are buying a new place, there are SO many things that will need to be done. I need to build a coop, start a vegie garden and do some fencing - and that's on top of actually moving! So at times I feel so overwhelmed about all there is that needs done, that I wish for that handyman "friend" who would just magically get it done....
Thanks for the suggestions. I have reset the subscription in the list to immediate with no improvement. I get an e-mail occasionally, but now even that seems to be shut down. I've even added the address to my address book so it wouldn't get dumped into spam.

Very odd. Everything appears to be working fine with my account anyway. Sounds like you're doing all the right things. I read somewhere in another post that a number of people seem to be having similar problems with this since the conversion. I'm sure at some point the admins will find out what the problem is. I've been an IT professional for 20+ years & trust me, things like this frustrate us more than it does the end user. Hang in there.
Jeff, congrats on that first egg! :)

My email updates are not working for BYC-- and have never worked. I subscribe over and over, and it doesn't matter. I give up. I leave my PC on during the day and usually have a few browser tabs open, so BYC just stays open. Makes it look like I'm on here all day long-- if you check the member section, but I do actually leave the house or

So I left my hygrometer in the salt test most of the day yesterday and over night. It's still in there. It was reading 65%-- so I'm guessing the humidity in there is now at 75% and that my meter is inaccurate and reading 10% below. I calibrated it and left it in there to be sure it sticks. I'd hate to start all over again by taking it out of there too soon.

My incubator ran dry yesterday. I don't know how long it was dry, either. I had put in water a couple days ago and checked it then. So it had run 2 days without me checking the reservoir. These eggs are going to be VERY lucky if they hatch. I figure I've already made a ton of mistakes with them. I hope I haven't killed them all.
They are on day 5.

Danz.. hope you're feeling a bit better today?
Hawkeye - The eggs should be just fine. Temperature swings, if not extreme aren't a huge problem. Too high will do more damage than too low. Many people are now running their incubators dry with good results anyway. They might add water for the actual hatch. The ambient humidity here is 75% anyway. Don't know what it is at your place.

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