Consolidated Kansas

Light hood question - I just read in the Chickens for Dummies book that you should buy a light hood that has a ceramic socket instead of the plastic socket because the plastic will melt with high temps left on constantly. Anyone had issues with this? I just checked and the one I had was plastic - but so does the one that's in the beardie cage and it's never melted. We do just keep the beardie's light on about 15 hours a day and not 24 hours, so this made me wonder if it's something I should worry about.. anyone have any thoughts?
The plastic sockets are only safety related for 100 wt bulbs. If you are using a heat lamp over 100 wts it is a fire danger and can melt the plastic. I've got a couple plastic ones I use with lower wt lamps but always use ceramic for anything rated higher.
I've been gone and on the run all day. Went to the doc and got a chest exray. I didn't have pneumonia yet. But he gave me a steroid shot which is really making my arm hurt and put me on much stronger antibitics. I can actually smell a tiny bit this evening so the steroids must be kicking in pretty fast. He also told me to get back on program uisng my inhaler at least every three hours. I avoid using it cause it seems like when I do then I have to keep using it. But I suppose I'd better get those lungs cleared.
I bought the freezer for my Mom and Dad and delivered my eggs to customers. Then called my sis to come help me unload the freezer. We got it in the house and had to move a ton of stuff to make room for it. After that she had to leave so I packed boxes of Christmas decorations out to the garage before I left.
My old cat who is 13 has been acting strange the last couple of days. She has always been an immaculate cat and is very picky about having her own cat box that she doesn't share. She has never made a mess anywhere/ But the last few days I caught her digging in my house plants. Then today I saw her try to pee in one of the plants and she didn't go. Then I saw her in my closet trying to pee on a bag. Then she came in the bathroom and tried to pee on a rug. She has never done anything like this and she wasn't going. So I loaded her up and loaded up all the puppies and went to the vet.
I lost my old cat my kids grew up with when his kidneys shut down and he had started doing strange things like that. It was disasterous for my kids. So I am kind of freaked out. She had a temperature so he gave me some antibiotics for her thinking she probably has a kidney infection.
I got the puppies all their shots and wormed. Sped right through $100 for that. Anyway now they should be good until they go to their forever homes. They were 5 weeks old today. Ivy and ABCs I have a certificate with all they were vaccinated for, so remind me to give you that when you come.
I just now got finished feeding and watering. I'm sure the chickens are pretty unhappy with me. My best salmon faverolle roo has a cold so he got moved to the house while ago. I gave him some vet RX. Wish I'd known that when I went to the vet. I think he probably needs an antibiotic. He's pretty drowsy. I sure don't want to loose him. I have two of them but he's my favorite. I'm exhausted and ready to sit and relax now.
Yeah we are planning to look around there. I don't have a district to stay in because the kids go to Catholic school. So it is just the driving time/distance that limits us. I am a country girl too and would love to live just outside the city on a couple acres and have as many chickens as I want! That is the same brooder I was going to get but changed my mind because I decided to go with the shed instead! When I told him I was going to pass he said he had someone else interested. That must have been you!

You realtor should be able to help you track something down out of city limits, but close enough that the drive isn't bad. There are a lot of properties right outside of Haysville that would suit you? I will never live in town! :) I drive my kids to a private school too downtown, and the drive isn't too terrible and I'm a bit further out than the Haysville area.
Unbelievable! I think I know this house. It came on the market while we were looking and we looked at it online but didn't get a chance to see it in person. We had just been to see the house we ended up putting in an offer on, but if that didn't work out, the house you mentioned was our "contingency plan". How funny we might have been neighbors for a short time. Did the former owners keep chickens? I kept pulling it up to look at the pictures of it and in one there was a shed that looked like it could have been a coop but there was nothing in the description about it.

oh wow! that is neat! I don't remember seeing a shed there. But if it was behind the barn-- then that would explain it, since I never walked back there. She and I are friends and I've been in her house several times, and our boys are/were best friends. Now we just Skype with them. They didn't have any chickens, they did have a large dog, but it was an indoor dog, not even a dog house out there. (I think it was a Mastiff) For having such a large dog-- there was no damage from him to the house, and it never smelled. They eventually lowered the price down into the low 300's. It's rented now, but I know they'd still like to sell it!!
You realtor should be able to help you track something down out of city limits, but close enough that the drive isn't bad. There are a lot of properties right outside of Haysville that would suit you? I will never live in town! :) I drive my kids to a private school too downtown, and the drive isn't too terrible and I'm a bit further out than the Haysville area.

Yeah we are planning to look at places outside of Haysville and in between Haysville and Derby area and the Ridge/MacArthur area. Hopefully, we will find something in one of those areas that will suit us but if not we will look for a more in town house.
Well, it kind of doesn't fit in, but we're staying. Been following you most of the day, though. Good luck
The plastic sockets are only safety related for 100 wt bulbs. If you are using a heat lamp over 100 wts it is a fire danger and can melt the plastic. I've got a couple plastic ones I use with lower wt lamps but always use ceramic for anything rated higher.
I've been gone and on the run all day. Went to the doc and got a chest exray. I didn't have pneumonia yet. But he gave me a steroid shot which is really making my arm hurt and put me on much stronger antibitics. I can actually smell a tiny bit this evening so the steroids must be kicking in pretty fast. He also told me to get back on program uisng my inhaler at least every three hours. I avoid using it cause it seems like when I do then I have to keep using it. But I suppose I'd better get those lungs cleared.
I bought the freezer for my Mom and Dad and delivered my eggs to customers. Then called my sis to come help me unload the freezer. We got it in the house and had to move a ton of stuff to make room for it. After that she had to leave so I packed boxes of Christmas decorations out to the garage before I left.
My old cat who is 13 has been acting strange the last couple of days. She has always been an immaculate cat and is very picky about having her own cat box that she doesn't share. She has never made a mess anywhere/ But the last few days I caught her digging in my house plants. Then today I saw her try to pee in one of the plants and she didn't go. Then I saw her in my closet trying to pee on a bag. Then she came in the bathroom and tried to pee on a rug. She has never done anything like this and she wasn't going. So I loaded her up and loaded up all the puppies and went to the vet.
I lost my old cat my kids grew up with when his kidneys shut down and he had started doing strange things like that. It was disasterous for my kids. So I am kind of freaked out. She had a temperature so he gave me some antibiotics for her thinking she probably has a kidney infection.
I got the puppies all their shots and wormed. Sped right through $100 for that. Anyway now they should be good until they go to their forever homes. They were 5 weeks old today. Ivy and ABCs I have a certificate with all they were vaccinated for, so remind me to give you that when you come.
I just now got finished feeding and watering. I'm sure the chickens are pretty unhappy with me. My best salmon faverolle roo has a cold so he got moved to the house while ago. I gave him some vet RX. Wish I'd known that when I went to the vet. I think he probably needs an antibiotic. He's pretty drowsy. I sure don't want to loose him. I have two of them but he's my favorite. I'm exhausted and ready to sit and relax now.

oh, if he is drowsy, that's scary. :( I hope he'll be fine. If he drinks that vetRX, maybe he'll pull thru. I still have about 1/4 of a bottle of Baytril that I'm hanging on to for an emergency. Sounds like you had a crazy busy day-- what with hauling in a freezer and then packing away decorations. No wonder you're exhausted! Poor kitty-- sheesh, what a day. I hope the meds help her.

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