Consolidated Kansas

Rittert, well at least that bird is gone now. Hopefully that is the end of that and no one else gets sick. But with the other birds pecking at it and ingesting infection themselves... if they don't show it, I'd suspect carriers. Don't know what to tell you about your problems with the land owners. They sound pretty stuck in their ways and if they are happy with what they are doing (even though we all know it's wrong) I can tell you from experience-- people don't change. If it's been working or limping along for them, they'll just keep at it.

Tweety, Good morning!! Yesterday was beautiful here, too! It was nice enough I could have gone out and finished my mini coop, but it's still wet and soggy and all my lumber is sitting in a mini lake. This darned yard is having a heck of a time soaking it all up. Very annoying. If it warms up out there today, I'm going to drag it over to my patio and set it on the concrete to work on. Honestly though.. so long as the weather is going to be this on and off cold and warm, I don't want to put my silkies out in it when they are used to a constant temperature in my garage.

It's going to be 12 days into my incubated eggs. I think I'll candle them again today and take a couple of pictures and see what you experts all think about them. I have a couple of eggs that are just too dark to see inside, so I'll leave those alone in case they might be growing and I'd never know it. Anyway, I'll do that later on-- I have parent-teacher conferences this morning. :)
I can actually smell a little bit this morning. Enough to know this baby duck bin I have in here is smelling just like a normal smelly duck bin. This duck is so imprinted on me he is sitting in my lap which he prefers to do.If he sees me he tries to jump out of his bin to get to me. Sure wish they had control over their vent. He always misses the paper towel I put on my lap! Yuk! At least his poo isn't runny.Aww! he justt fell asleep. He's comfortable with his "mommy".
I'm not sure how my cat is doing so far today. She has been drinking a lot so maybe her water works will start functioning soon. I wish all cats were quiet like her. I can't stand a whiny cat and we have another one that never shuts up!
It's supposed to be a nice day until the rain comes in so I am hoping to be able to get some work done on the chicken trailer today.
Hawkeye it may take a while for you to see fertility from Zorro show up. I've read different things from 3 days to three weeks for it to show.
My sick rooster is holding his own. I think I'll probably try syringing his nostrils with salt water later then give him another dose of vetRX. Sure wish my DH would take a road trip and pick up some meds for me. I really don't want to take couple hours out to go buy some.
I had someone call earlier this morning about some chickens. For the life of me I don't remember them and am not sure what kind they were wanting. I suppose I'll call them back after while. I talk to so many people it is hard to keep track. I make notes but the notes get lost or are non-decipherable. I tend to scribble when I talk!
I don't envy those of you moving. I would so love to have a nicer house but that isn't going to happen so I will stay put as long as I can afford the house payments.
Maybe I can get out and take some new pics today. The pups are getting huge. I think I still have the 2 males to sell and maybe one female depending on who takes what. I had a couple people change their minds because of job problems. The economy stinks!
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Glad to hear you are feeling better and your roo is holding his own too. Hope the cat's water works start functioning properly soon.
I don't envy those of you moving.

I don't envy us either - did that come out right? Actually, I hate moving so much that many times since we started looking at property to buy, I told DH, "let's just stay put" but he'd remind me of the reasons we started looking in the first place and I'd reluctantly start looking again.

Our plan is to wait until the kids are done with school and then take a weekend to just "get 'er done". This morning DS told me "Oh, I won't be able to help - I plan on having a friend over that weekend" (he was j/k). I told him, "no, seriously, invite a couple of friends - the more people we have working the faster it will go. Tell them we'll buy them lunch and dinner in return for their services". So I left him to think on that. I think it will be more fun for him if he has friends to help and it really will go faster.
Rittert, sorry about the problems where you have your birds. As was said earlier, they likely won't change. If their system has worked in an acceptable way to them, they will see no reason to change it even if you can prove there are better ways. People can be stubborn like that.

Hawkeye, thanks for the info. The three houses in town are built using the styrofoam blocks. I keep reading all these things about animals and houses and alternate energy sources to DH and he said the other day, "These sound like exactly our kind of people!" Of course that's why I'm here in the first place!
As to the plastic socket in heat lamps, yes, definitely go with the ceramic socket instead. I have had a heat lamp melt/disfigure a plastic socket, but the ceramic ones seem to last a lot longer!
Ivy and checoukan, I just referred a person to KPS page and gave her your names to contact for purebred show quality poultry. Loosing a sale or two for myself. She wants birds for her kids for 4H. I figured anything you produced might be exactly what she wanted for the kids.
So Seymore has decided to be broody. I didn't get the egg grabbed from her this morning before I left the house. I just got back and she has made quite a nest in her kennel. I left the door open so she can get outside, but she wants none of that. I tried to get her egg, but she was rolling it back under her again. I had to go digging under her when I got home. Poor Seymore-- her eggs won't hatch no matter how much she tries. I had to fight her yesterday too for her egg. Usually she lays it and takes off. Now she's just sitting and sitting and looks pretty happy all fluffed up in there. She needs a Tom.
Or.... fertile turkey eggs! hehe If my DH won't kill me, I might take a drive down to the dairy farm... hmmm

AND Zorro is now pecking at me when I reach in there! I went to grab their eggs this morning and he went after me! WTH!?!??!?! He's always been so docile and calm and such a sweet boy. Do you think that bath I gave him screwed with his mind and now he hates me? That's too bad, he's my TV buddy. :( Just for doing that to me, he got a nice long snuggle and petting after I gathered the eggs.

Danz, glad you can smell again! Although a duckie bin can't be the greatest thing to be smelling now. ha! Hey, I don't want to move or get a nicer house or whatever... I think this place is perfect for us and we love it. Sigh. I hope your kitty comes around and starts to feel better. I sure hope it doesn't take 3 weeks to get fertile eggs! I'm going to go with the 3 day expectation... LOL!!

Cherwill, yep! We love the forward thinking and sustainability.
I've been trying to price lean to sheds for birds. They are pretty cheap if you build them yourself. Of course all the built places you have to wait for someone to call you back with an estimate. Patience isn't my virtue. I hate waiting for answers. I would definitely go ask the neighbor for eggs or let Seymore hatch some of your silkie eggs. I wish I had a broodie turkey right now. I'd let her sit on these eggs that are in my bator.
That is too cute that Seymore is broody! Yeah, I would definitely get her some eggs to sit on. I hate the thought of them doing all that sitting for no ultimate reward. Careful Zorro doesn't train you too well - in his mind it probably went something like "peck the human, get lotsa lovin'; hmmm...let's try THAT again!"
Pepper update - As of last night she is still pooping almost pure water. It is not yellow tinted so that is good. All I have on hand is plain unsweetened yogurt. I mixed that up with some layer feed and by this morning is was all gone. How many days of giving probiotics does it take before you see any results?

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