Consolidated Kansas

How many days of giving probiotics does it take before you see any results?

I don't know the answer to that question but I'm thinking if she is now eating layer food, the poop should start to have some consistency to it pretty soon. Glad to hear she's doing a little better and hope that continues.
I have another question. Since I pulled Pepper into the garage, two of my hens eggs have changed characteristics. Is this normal? Or it just may be that I have incorrectly matching the wrong egg to the wrong bird. Just curious.
Hi Pikeman -

Glas to hear the chickens coming along. Antibiotics build up in the system to usefull levels, then they must stay at those levels for 10 full days to get full results. Dont stop until all dosage is complete.

Remember, antibiotics help, but they have side effects. She may be about cured, but could still have the poops from the antibiotic killing helpful digestive bacteria. (everything with a stomach has bacteria, but they aren't all the same ones) Yogurt won't help a chicken with that.

I'd finish the treatment, then give her another 3-5 days to get her alimentary canel back in order.

Just got home from work, and after being sick yesterday, I'm exhausted. May or may not be on tonight, but will definately be around.
Give it a few days Pikeman. She has to build the bacteria back up in her system.
I am trying desperately to get some info. I read 1cc Baytril in the breast for injections on chickens. But no where do I see which strength it is. The vet is waiting for information. He has baytril 20 available or baytril 100 . There are supposedly 3 strengths of Baytril. I have a valuable rooster I really want to treat. He is doing a little better with vetRX but I think he needs a little more.
Give it a few days Pikeman. She has to build the bacteria back up in her system.
I am trying desperately to get some info. I read 1cc Baytril in the breast for injections on chickens. But no where do I see which strength it is. The vet is waiting for information. He has baytril 20 available or baytril 100 . There are supposedly 3 strengths of Baytril. I have a valuable rooster I really want to treat. He is doing a little better with vetRX but I think he needs a little more.

Danz, 1cc is too much!!! I pulled out my vial of Baytril right here... it says "Antibacterial Injectable Solution 2.27% (mg). For Dogs Only." You give .5cc in the breast. ONCE a day... not twice.
I have another question. Since I pulled Pepper into the garage, two of my hens eggs have changed characteristics. Is this normal? Or it just may be that I have incorrectly matching the wrong egg to the wrong bird. Just curious.

I'd watch them, but it's likely okay. As for Pepper, she's going to need probably at least 5 days of probiotics. If you are giving her antibiotics as well... then you need to give Probiotics the entire time you are giving the meds and then once the round of meds are done, keep using probiotics at least another 4-5 days after. She sounds like she's sick, but I'd do the probiotics first and see what happens. By day 3 or 4, you should see a big difference... if she's not sick, that is.
Give it a few days Pikeman. She has to build the bacteria back up in her system.
I am trying desperately to get some info. I read 1cc Baytril in the breast for injections on chickens. But no where do I see which strength it is. The vet is waiting for information. He has baytril 20 available or baytril 100 . There are supposedly 3 strengths of Baytril. I have a valuable rooster I really want to treat. He is doing a little better with vetRX but I think he needs a little more.

Maybe if he is a BIG boy... he could handle a day or two of 1cc.... once a day. But be really careful with Baytril-- it is commonly over dosed. If you did do the 1st day of 1cc, then I'd go the last few days with just .5cc
Okay, candled several eggs today. They are supposed to be Day 12. I'm thinking these are clear?? I see no veins... the second photo has a weird blood spot in it that never gets bigger and just moves with the mass (yolk) inside when I rotate the egg. I don't see any veins on any of these. There are two really dark eggs I just can't see into.. no idea what's in them. Sooo.... hang on to these still?? Just in case??? Nothing is stinking... Do these look "clear" to you all????


Second egg with weird blood spot-- that hasn't changed. Below:
Pikeman, I have to disagree with Marty. Yogurt does have natural probiotics and works very well for chickens. This is a very widely used practice. It is also high in protein which helps build them back up. Probiotics, whether they are from food or supplements will help build the intestinal flora back up. I'm not talking Activia or some of that other crap that is supposed to help humans. I am just referring to normal live culture plain yogurt. Perhaps that is where the confusion has come in.
Thanks for the info Hawkeye. I was planning on just using .5 anyway. I would rather error in the direction of caution. I sure don't want to overdose this guy. DH said he was big and I should give him the whole dose but I don't agree. I got this info from Bayer who actually makes the stuff but I'd rather be safe

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