Consolidated Kansas

Hawkeye, was wondering if you would like some hatching eggs? I would send you some so you can play with your incubator, that way you can give the silkies a chance to get together.
I can send you some rosecomb eggs, and then you can do what ever you like. They make wonderful 4H projects, and they are REALLY nice. I would just like to send you some if you want.
Wow...such nice welcomes! Thank you! makes coming out of our shell easier (no pun intended)
Weather stinks here today.....playing on the computer instead of doing the work I should do.
We ordered the chicks from Cackle Hatchery....only place I could find that sold small number of pullet Bantams (Assorted)...Originally wanted Silkies but then found they don't lay many went with other Bantams...We were kinda overwhelmed with the size of some of the we decided to start with the Bantams. We will see if we made the right decision.
Sounds like a plan! I'm a little baffled why he wouldn't want them. Just keep working on him, I'm pretty sure they don't cost anything extra?? This is your working barn, right? You'll be in there the most? I'd say you should have the majority rule on this one.

Ah yes rightly so, but sometimes you have to plant the seed, and then wait for it to sprout, and then play along like it was their idea the whole time!!!
Ok so here you have them. Taken earlier today: I just didn't want you all to feel I was trying to peddle them. I actually have all but one sold and have 3 interested parties who haven't committed for sure yet on it. I guess we'll see. The one on the left with the half mask is
the one I am keeping for myself

Hubby saw these pics and was sold on the one with the ring around the tail...for about 5 minutes. *sigh*

Danz, I love that puppy you picked out to keep for yourself, she's going to have such an interesting face! You will have one of a kind for sure, really unique. Have you picked out a name for her yet?

tweety are you planning to just have those nest boxes hooked onto a wall or are you building them in or what? The only bad thing that I found when I used my drawers hooked together was that they loved roosting on the top of them at night or sitting in them & they pooped in them & I had to clean them out all the time. I had wished that I could have put some kind of cover over at an angle so they couldn't do that. They did like those nests & used them well enough, but it was too much of a mess & I ended up taking them out & putting in bucket nests on the wall. About half of my hens use the buckets & the other half made a nest on top of my straw bales in the run & lay there. I really don't mind that, at least I can find the eggs easily, but when I have to use the straw they're not going to be happy. Maybe I'll have to buy a couple more bales & leave those there, I don't know. The only thing I use the straw for is the dog house & some in the run & my chicken dog run, that sounds funny & their house. I also have a stump in my run for the chickens to jump up on, they do like that. When my DH takes the wood rack out when he gets this wood shed put together I'm going to have to move the stump over for the chickens to jump up on the straw bales with. Their steps won't be there when the wood is gone.

Where has Chooks been, anybody know? I haven't seen her around much lately.

I've been around, but had a ton of stuff going on lately...and it's going to get worse for a couple of weeks. BUSY! Gah!!

Yep - did that. And I have not had any trouble uploading pics from my computer, but getting previously uploaded pics from my account is another matter. The picture showed up when I tried to quote myself, but not on the original post. Oh well - guess I'll play with it later. Just thought it should be easier to re-use a picture you'd posted somewhere else is all.

Here are two of our younger girls enjoying our kitchen drawer box.

BTW Chooks - how is Brother Lionel?

Lionel is soooooooooooo big! He's hilarious, too... never sure about me tromping through 'his' run with the dozen+ babes and the other 2 dudes...and I walked through there yesterday wearing shoes he hadn't seen before and he flared and stared and jumped, but stopped short of touching me...sort of sparred with the air in front of my shoes. Goofy thing.

I am so jealous. I have been pricing just a loafing or lean-to structure with no floor and an open side and they are rediculous high. Tweety who do you recommend that is fast and cheap? I don't want lousy work. I just want cheap work. I can buy a kit for what I want for and save a few thousand but I want this thing built now. I'd really like to build a nice big barn to cover all the bases but there's no way I can ever afford that. I'm just trying to make room for the birds and have them more together so it doesn't take so much effort to feed and water.
I finally went out and painted the trailer floor. I had such a large area I just poured paint out of a 5 gallon bucket and "painted" with a little old worn down broom. It actually went pretty well. There's plenty of paint on the walls cause I was trying to fill all the edges I could. Now if my back and arms weren't aching so bad I'd be ready to start building. Of course I guess I should let the paint dry first. I figure now my runaway paint will show back up after all that searching, since I spent money on new paint and used half of it. I told DH he'd better get the concrete footings poured cause I was going to start building,. It didn't light any kind of fire in him though.
Wow this morning was not a good morning. My Dad now has the flu (I stayed away so at least I know he didn't get it from me.) And my Mom's Heart was acting up. Her feet were very swollen and she just couldn't breath. I honestly didn't know if she was going to live through church. If she gets this flu it will kill her. I had to really fight back the tears all morning. The parking lot at the church was almost empty and the preacher said lots of people called saying they had the flu. Half of the people there were coughing and sniffing. I am really really scared. I had to leave my parents house after they got lunch and I filled the bird feeders for them. I knew if I stayed I'd start bawling. It is very hard.
Well I took some meds so I'd better get back out there and feed the birds. I should do some more painting around here but I think I've enjoyed all I could stand for one day.

So sorry about your parents- I'll be praying for them.

Danz, the cost of the kit for the barn at Sutherlands is definitely cheaper than anywhere else. Did you ask them how much it costs for THEM to build it for you? They weren't going to charge us that much more to build it-- that might be the cheapest route?

ESP Chickens- another Wichita peep! :) Glad to have you and
and to the Kansas thread!! When are you chicks due to arrive? Who did you order them from? I ordered my chicks last year from Meyer's Hatchery.

And here's the picture of my roof for Rosie... You can see the skylights are just slim panels, but they make a BIG impact! I'm pretty sure they are only on this side and not the other. I took this pic this morning (just now)-- sheesh, can you all see how grey and nasty it's getting out there!? Yuck! More rain!
(you can see the flood lights that light up the gate area for the times we drive thru at night into the pasture and then there is a flood light on the front that automatically comes on at dusk. Then we have the inside of the barn lit up like a runway-- there are lights EVERYwhere. My DH wired it and went crazy. We also put in a ton of outlets and then there is a water spigot in there so I can put water in buckets in the winter, or run a hose to the stalls... whatever.

Yeah, it's not much better here, and I'm really not pleased.
Wow...such nice welcomes! Thank you! makes coming out of our shell easier (no pun intended)
Weather stinks here today.....playing on the computer instead of doing the work I should do.
We ordered the chicks from Cackle Hatchery....only place I could find that sold small number of pullet Bantams (Assorted)...Originally wanted Silkies but then found they don't lay many went with other Bantams...We were kinda overwhelmed with the size of some of the we decided to start with the Bantams. We will see if we made the right decision.

Bantams make good starter chickens, and they don't eat as much as some of the BIG breeds. They don
't take up as much space either.
HEChicken... I'm bummed. I had my wood all set out to dry yesterday and it DID dry. Well, now today it's supposed to rain and the clouds are rolling in.

Yeah, I hear you. When I woke up this morning I had the laptop on and got updated on BYC but hadn't looked out the windows yet. When I got up after that, I saw that it had rained. I had laundry out on the line too and would never have left it out if I'd guessed it was gonna rain. Course I did 3 loads yesterday so the last load wasn't dry by the time dusk fell and that's why it stayed out overnight, but still, I thought by morning it would be dry. Now I have to bring it in and dry it inside since it looks like more rain today. Still, I guess considering how little moisture we've had in the past year, we shouldn't complain too much - we need every drop!

Hawkeye I priced what I wanted at Sutherlands and it's a third of the price but I was sure hoping not to have to build my own. I have way too many other projects going on to get that done quickly.

Danz, you need to have a good ol' fashioned barn raisin'! Seriously though, if you put out the word with family and friends that you'll feed them and supply them with eating eggs in return for a day of their time helping you build your kit barn, you may be surprised how many show up.

Been lurking on website....finally brave enough to write!
We are in Wichita....anxiously awaiting chick arrival....Brand new to this whole chicken thing! Can hardly wait to join the fun! Seeing all the pictures of the coops has really inspired us...We have an awesome chicken notebook with lists and pictures of our ideas we have gathered from BYC.
. I'm also in Wichita, although not for too much longer. We've bought a small property outside of town and will be moving once the kids get done with school for the year. So what kinds of chicks did you order, how many, and when will they get here? Make sure you know how to upload pics because we're going to want to see some!
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We still have some sun here this morning, but I don't think it is going to last for long. Better go see what I can get done. Going to have to go get my back taken care of at 3 today. I probably won't be able to walk in the morning. My cardiologist will not like that at all. Have to see him at 9:15.. .. Oh ivy, I have the last of my rosecombs I will be able to hatch for a month. I have to go Saturday and pick up 300 eggs from the U of A. They gave me this eggs, and we are getting some super nice breeds, we give them to the 4H kids. They can not sell the chicks, but raise them up and sell from the parent birds. Once they go into the hatcher, then I will start hatching rosecombs again. I have to new babies this morning now the rest are pipping.
Ok...I'm so new to this website...and not getting how everyone is doing these "quote" replies....I'm confused....Guess I'll catch on..HEChicken,
Jealous you are moving to your urban farm....we are looking...and looking...and still looking....hope to find a place eventually. In the mean time, we'll start our tiny project with 5 asst bantam pullets....supposed to be mix or not of barred rock, RHR, buff brahma, cochins, or creole old english. Supposed to hatch March 19...actually thinking of driving to pick them up....just to go somewhere for Spring Break....Lebanon, MO...not exactly Hawaii like some people we know from school..but who knows. We are so excited...we will definitely post pictures when they arrive. Planning on taking progress pictures of our coop progress too. We are going to turn the old playlet into the chicken coop & run....Our plans are pretty cool...IMO... waiting for weather to get nicer and to find good wire supplier.
Yeah, I hear you. When I woke up this morning I had the laptop on and got updated on BYC but hadn't looked out the windows yet. When I got up after that, I saw that it had rained. I had laundry out on the line too and would never have left it out if I'd guessed it was gonna rain. Course I did 3 loads yesterday so the last load wasn't dry by the time dusk fell and that's why it stayed out overnight, but still, I thought by morning it would be dry. Now I have to bring it in and dry it inside since it looks like more rain today. Still, I guess considering how little moisture we've had in the past year, we shouldn't complain too much - we need every drop!

Danz, you need to have a good ol' fashioned barn raisin'! Seriously though, if you put out the word with family and friends that you'll feed them and supply them with eating eggs in return for a day of their time helping you build your kit barn, you may be surprised how many show up.
. I'm also in Wichita, although not for too much longer. We've bought a small property outside of town and will be moving once the kids get done with school for the year. So what kinds of chicks did you order, how many, and when will they get here? Make sure you know how to upload pics because we're going to want to see some!
ESP Chickens-- I have seen some amazing swing set coops on here!! This one is my favorite-- the before and after pic:


What a difference, hu? And so functional! Sounds like you will be getting some cute mixes! Are they all going to be bantam??

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